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CSAH 11 CORRIOR STUDY REPORT <br />maintaining that segment for the long term. The long-term concepts developed in this study were <br />� reflective of the assumed City desire for a 2-lane divided roadway on CSAH 11 based upon review of <br />former planning documents. <br />The City was not prepared at this time to develop a vision that they could support. The City of Pequot <br />Lakes prepared a memorandum in February 2012 outlining elements that the City feels is important as <br />continued planning is done for improvements on the CSAH 11 corridor. The City did not officially <br />approve the memorandum, rather provided it for information. This memorandum is included in Appendix <br />F. This memorandum will serve as a starting point when the project is revisited in the future, including <br />discussions regarding a future concept and costs. <br />PEQUOT LAKES SUPPORTING ROADWAY CONCEPT <br />• This concept considers the existing roadway network and proposed bypass to create a supporting <br />roadway network that should be preserved/constructed as the area around the interchange <br />develops <br />• Generally, the City is not planning on development around the interchange at this time although <br />the northwest quadrant is zoned commercial. <br />• The supporting roadways on either side of the interchange at CSAH 11 will be the primary access <br />points to the area. No new driveways with direct access to CSAH 11 should be permitted in this <br />area. <br />• This concept was developed first to identify primary access points so we could then look closer at <br />the corridor for short and long term planning <br />• See Appendix A for a graphic of this concept <br />� This concept demonstrates one of the many supporting roadway concepts that could be developed. <br />Although the network could change, the identified primary access points are set with this concept and that <br />future study should direct the traffic to these access points. <br />PEQUOT LAKES LONG RANGE CONCEPT 1- TWO LANE DIVIDED WITH PARKING AND LANDSCAPING <br />• This concept demonstrates what the CSAH l 1 corridor could become if it were reconstructed as a <br />City street with bump-outs and a median <br />• City studied Government Drive options recently <br />• The corridor roadway width remains at 47' <br />• Opportunity to fix the skew at CR 112 <br />• This concept provides an improved pedestrian friendly downtown with bump outs and greater <br />connectivity <br />• Truck turning movements would be constrained with this section <br />• Parking is provided on both sides of the roadway, but no turning lanes on CSAH 11 <br />• Sidewalks are extended to existing TH 371 to better connect downtown (west of existing TH 371) <br />� Future pedestrian trail options are shown through town. <br />• Paul Bunyan Trail treatment across CSAH I 1 <br />• Turn lanes are provided at the future collector road / City hall <br />• 7' landscaped medians / Concept has 12' lanes — desirable lane width is 14' <br />• Concept matches into Mn/DOT's improvement at the proposed bypass <br />• Estimated cost $840,000 (see Appendix E for detail) <br />• See Appendix A for a graphic of this concept <br />� <br />Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. <br />CSAH 11 Corridor Study <br />CSAH 11 Subarea <br />Page 7 <br />