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Planning Commission Report, December 2006 2 <br />ii. The applicant has proposed designating the western 26.5 feet of the property as right-of- <br />way for 9th Avenue SW. The road currently does not have any right-of-way designated, <br />and the western half of the road falls in Loon Lake Township in Cass County. <br />12. While the applicant has not shown any proposed future driveways, Mike Loven of the <br />Roads and Streets department has advised that the future property owner of Lot i place <br />their driveway south of the bend in the road to the north. Also, no culverts will be needed <br />for driveways as the area is generally flat. <br />THE PLANNING COMMISSION FURTHER RECOMMENDS THAT THE <br />FOLLOWING CONDITION BE INCLUDED WITH THE APPROVAL: <br />i. A deed restriction shall be placed on Lot One that would limit access to the property <br />to the southern 75 feet of the parcel. <br />2. HEARING: Rezoning from Residential and Commercial to Shoreline <br />Residential, City of Pequot Lakes. Lindel and Sherwood, property owners. Parcel No.: <br />29o221400A00009. <br />The subject property is located just south of downtown, bordered by State Highway 371 on <br />the east and Sibley Lake on the west. The property measures nearly io acres in size. Over the <br />last two months, the Planning Commission has been reviewing the rezoning of the properties <br />shown on the map below. Because of an error in the notification process, the subject <br />property was inadvertently left out and was not properly noticed, and so was not rezoned <br />along with the others. <br />These properties were pulled out of the City-wide rezoning because of their frontage on both <br />Sibley Lake and Highway 371. Under the previous Ordinance, the properties were zoned <br />Residential with the eastern portion of the properties zoned Commercial. The proposed <br />rezoning is to Shoreline Residential entirely. This is their separate public hearing to rezone <br />their properties to a classification in compliance with the new Land Use Ordinance. The <br />property owners that own businesses have indicated a desire to rezone the properties along <br />State Highway 371 to a Commercial zoning classification. This hearing is continued from the <br />October meeting, where Staff was directed to revise the proposed rezoning. <br />THE PLANNING COMMISSION IS UNANIMOUSLY RECOMMENDING THAT <br />PARCEL ID 290221400A000o9 BE REZONED TO SHORELINE RESIDENTIAL <br />EXTENDING TO THE EASTERN BOUNDARY OF THE PULIBC RIGHT-OF-WAY <br />OF FRONT STREET TO THE NORTH AND TO COMMERCIAL FROM THAT <br />POINT EXTENDING EAST TO STATE HIGHWAY 371. THIS <br />RECOMMENDATION IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS OF FACT: <br />1. The proposed rezoning to Shoreline Residential would be consistent with the City's <br />Comprehensive Plan as the properties are adjacent to shoreline and some of them are <br />residential in character. <br />2. The proposed rezoning to Shoreline Residential is mostly consistent with the Future <br />Land Use Map, which designates the area adjacent to the shore as Shoreline Residential. <br />The Future Land Use Map also designates the off -lake portions of these properties as <br />Rural Residential. <br />3. The proposed rezoning to Shoreline Residential meets the compatibility requirements in <br />that the properties are adjacent to the Water Resource zone; the compatibility <br />requirements state that the zone should extend through the first tier of parcels to a <br />public road or 500 feet from the OHW, whichever is closer to the water body. In this <br />14084 Baxter Drive, Suite 7 I Baxter, Minnesota 56425 1218.828.3064 I <br />
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