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Planning Commission Report, December 2006 3 <br />case, the public road, Front Street, is the nearest public road which is roughly Soo feet <br />from the OHW. <br />4. The subject property meets the purpose and intent of the Shoreline Residential district to <br />provide a district for riparian residential development. <br />5. The property meets the minimum lot size requirement of 20,000 square feet for the <br />Shoreline Residential zone, being nearly io acres in size, with roughly 3 acres falling <br />within the proposed Shoreline Residential zone. <br />6. The property meets the minimum lot width standard of ioo feet for the Shoreline <br />Residential zone, being more than 200 feet wide. <br />7. Rezoning a portion of the property adjacent to State Highway 371 to Commercial would <br />not be compatible with the Future Land Use map which designates this area as future <br />Rural Residential in character. <br />8. A rezoning of the portion of the property along the Highway to Commercial would be <br />compatible with the surrounding zoning classifications as the adjoining properties to the <br />north and south are currently zoned Commercial and have been developed as such. <br />9. Rezoning the eastern portion of these properties to Commercial would meet the <br />compatibility requirements for the Commercial district as the subject properties would <br />serve as a buffer between higher intensity commercial areas and surrounding residential <br />districts. <br />io. Rezoning the eastern portion of these properties to Commercial would not constitute <br />spot -zoning as adjoining properties are currently zoned Commercial and properties on <br />the east side of the Highway are also Commercial. The western boundary of the <br />commercial property is a line between the eastern boundary of the platted Front Street <br />and the western boundary of the lot to the south of the subject property. <br />ii. Rezoning these properties entirely to Shoreline Residential would constitute down - <br />zoning as these properties were previously zoned Commercial along State Highway 371. <br />The City has sought to avoid down -zoning unless requested by the property owner. <br />3. HEARING: Rezoning from Residential to Shoreline Residential, City of Pequot <br />Lakes. Donald O'Brien, property owner. Parcel No.: 291210oo003A009, 291210000040009, <br />291210000050009, and 29121000006B009. <br />The subject properties are located in the southeastern corner of the City on the southern <br />shore of Middle Cullen Lake. The properties consist of four existing properties ranging in <br />size from just under one acre up to 2.8 acres. Lot 5 contains an existing dwelling with a <br />garage on Lot 4. The O'Briens had purchased lots 3A and 6B to provide additional space <br />between their dwelling and neighboring dwellings to the west and east, recently selling 6B to <br />the neighbor to the east. The properties were all zoned Residential under the previous <br />Ordinance. <br />These properties were pulled out of the City-wide rezoning by the property owners last year. <br />Under the previous Ordinance, the properties were zoned Residential with the proposed <br />rezoning to be Shoreline Residential. This is their separate public hearing to rezone their <br />properties to a classification in compliance with the new Land Use Ordinance. The property <br />owners have indicated that they would be satisfied with the Shoreline Residential <br />classification so long as their neighbors are zoned likewise and so long as there are not <br />substantial differences between their previous zoning classification and the new <br />classification. <br />14084 Baxter Drive, Suite 7 1 Baxter, Minnesota 56425 1 218.828.3064 1 <br />