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NEW BUSINESS: <br /> a. Wilderness Resort Vegetation Management Plan: <br /> Mr. Marohn explained the Staff Report. There are two maps included. The colored one <br /> puts emphasis outside the Shoreland area. The other one places emphasis on the <br /> Shoreland area. There is a higher degree of detail in the Shoreline Use Plan. It's all one <br /> request, even though there are two maps. <br /> Chad Connor, WSN and representing the applicant, stated the first colored drawing was <br /> prepared by WSN; the Shoreline Use one was prepared by Dave Busch. The additional <br /> plantings required for screening are included in the drawing. The new plan talks about <br /> the rest. Dave Busch, Landscape Architect, passed out a Shoreline Use Plan Review. <br /> This plan is broken into 3 groups: existing, maintenance and mitigation, and new and <br /> proposed components. <br /> Mr. Busch explained the existing portion of plan. The vegetative shoreline buffer exists <br /> over 95%of shoreline and will remain. It has been surveyed and documented. <br /> Mr. Adams asked if the buffer would be planted to 37.5 feet. If the buffer is only 4 feet <br /> from the waters edge, will it be grown back to the 37.5 feet? Mr. Busch stated that it <br /> would not. <br /> Mr. Busch stated along the southwest shore, the grading plan currently indicates there <br /> will be some removal of mature trees. He would like to take a more specific inventory of <br /> those trees and modify the grading slightly and still achieve the goals of the plan, but <br /> make minor adjustments on site to preserve the trees. Section D provides for swales and <br /> pathways which could be adjusted to accommodate the trees. <br /> Mr. Busch also indicated the existing beach would remain and the area would become a <br /> designated swimming area for safety. There is a note on the plan to install runoff control <br /> above the beach area. There is concern of watershed and treatment of runoff from the <br /> ramp area. A small curb wall and directional swale is to be constructed to move the <br /> water into a vegetative buffer. <br /> Mr. Busch also indicated the launch ramp,bait and fuel building and trail will remain. <br /> The 8-foot trail is detailed on the Plan. <br /> Mr. Busch stated the disturbed beach area is 75 feet in width. Section B indicates how <br /> this area will be restored. Two openings are planned for canoe and kayak staging areas. <br /> A winter storage area is planned with vegetative screening. Tim Bastrup and Joe <br /> Oschwald from the DNR reviewed the plan and had no objections. Mr. Oschwald <br /> commented regarding hydrology. The Plan indicates a detailed account of aquatic <br /> vegetation. <br /> For the benefit of the non-lakefront units,they are proposing a toilet and first aid <br /> building. Mr. Busch indicated that this building meets the 75-foot setback and is more <br /> MINUTES 4 <br /> Pequot Lakes Planning Commission <br /> January 15, 2009 <br />