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in violation, no permit may be issued. The City has explained this to Mr. Babinski <br /> and advised him that the barbed wire issue needs to be resolved. <br /> Marohn read the January 13, 2004 memo to the City Clerk. There was <br /> discussion in support of the statements in the memo after which the Planning <br /> Commission unanimously agreed with the statements. <br /> Marohn indicated that Mr. Babinski has claimed that the barbed wire is for <br /> security reasons. Commission members state that a security camera would be a <br /> better alternative. There is discussion that the barbed wire would be a liability for <br /> Mr. Babinski and a reference made to another case in St. Cloud where a young <br /> man was hurt badly when climbing such a fence. <br /> Statement from Bittner that portions of the Public Nuisance Ordinance also apply. <br /> Commission discussion on alternatives and that a higher fence would be a visual <br /> barrier—the kids look at the fence and decide that it's too tall to cimb over. <br /> Marohn explained that this issue will likely be before the Commission again, <br /> either with Mr. Babinski in attendance or by his attorney. <br /> Carl Wilson: The remaining two vehicles were removed January 11, 2004. <br /> Larry Fyle: We have received the initialized copy of the letter of understanding. <br /> Gary and Jaculin Peterson: Mr. Peterson applied for the permit for the garage <br /> today. Bittner will do an on-site inspection of the "pond" area soon to determine if <br /> there was any excavation. Commission agreed to a five times After The Fact <br /> permit fee. <br /> A motion was made by Marty Nelson, seconded by Bill Habein, to adjourn the <br /> meeting. All members voted "aye". Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned <br /> at 9:00 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Dawn Bittner <br /> Zoning Administrator <br /> Planning Commission 6 <br /> January 15,2004 <br />