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Zoning Administrator's Report <br /> A. January Permits: The following permits were issued over the last month by the <br /> Zoning Department: <br /> 1. Pequot Lakes Baptist Church, 30028 Old Highway 371,building permit to <br /> construct a 21,000 sq. ft. outreach center. <br /> 2. Justin Bolz-Andolshek, 27546 West Twin Lake Drive, building permit for <br /> a second-story addition. <br /> B. Correspondence: Your Staff sent the following letters of correspondence since <br /> the last meeting: <br /> 1. January 8 letter to Andrew Boldt regarding his garage within side-yard <br /> setback. <br /> 2. January 14 letter to Pequot Lakes Baptist Church advising of Conditional <br /> Use Permit approval. <br /> 3. January 14 letter to Mr. and Mrs. Justin Bolz-Andolshek advising of <br /> Variance approval. <br /> 4. January 14 letter to Joyce Mikesh and Jerry Solomon advising of Final <br /> Plat approval. <br /> 5. January 26 certified letter to Cathi McBryde regarding her outside storage. <br /> 6. January 26 letter to Earl Hemmerich requesting site plan of mobile home <br /> park. <br /> 7. January 26 letter to Gerald Foley and Kimberly Shierts listing the three <br /> options regarding the necessary public right-of-way for subdivision. <br /> C. Potential Violations/Enforcement Actions: The City Staff is currently working on <br /> the following potential violations/enforcement actions. We will report on these <br /> each month until they are resolved to the satisfaction of the Planning <br /> Commission. <br /> 1. David Swenson: Mr. Swenson had removed all vehicles except for two <br /> and the pontoon. Upon recent inspection, there are four vehicles and the <br /> pontoon. <br /> 2. Olgerts Vijums: Mr. Vijums spoke with Mr. Marohn and has agreed to <br /> have his ISTS design submitted by July 1, 2004 and possibly have the new <br /> ISTS installed by that date. Mr. Vijums has been invoiced for the $782.55 <br /> in expenses incurred by the City in determining his system as failing. <br /> 3. John E. MacGibbon: There is nothing new to report on this matter. <br /> 4. Cathi McBryde: A certified letter has been sent to Ms. McBryde <br /> requesting her attendance at the February 19 meeting. <br /> February 2004 Staff Report Page 2 <br />