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Mr. Marohn explained the Staff Report. He stated that North Sluetter Road is not <br /> adequate. It is the applicants' responsibility to upgrade the road in the plat, not the rest of <br /> the road. The City can upgrade the road through their assessment policy. The cabin, <br /> garage and outhouse create a non-conformity and need to be removed from Lots 3 and 4. <br /> Applicant was present as well as his attorney, Steve Qualley. Mr. Qualley stated that <br /> there is a potential buyer for Lot 4. They would like to remove the cabin, but use the <br /> existing garage for storage. Mr. Marohn advised that this would not be allowed as it <br /> would create a non-conformity without a principal structure. The cabin and outhouse <br /> could be removed with the plat and the garage within 6 months of Final Plat or remain if <br /> principle structure applied for and built making the garage conforming. <br /> Mr. Marohn stated there was concern with North Sluetter Road up to the plat. The hill <br /> has been cut down, but a good share is a one lane path. <br /> Public Comment: <br /> Robert Becker, 3774 Becker Lane, Pequot Lakes: The City has worked on road <br /> improvements the last 2 years, but it is not 2-way traffic. <br /> Ron Schaefer, 6014 North Sluetter Road, Pequot Lakes: He lives at the end of the road. <br /> He is not opposed to property being developed, but is opposed to development prior to <br /> road upgrade. Seven lots equals 14 more vehicles, plus construction trucks, etc. He <br /> understands that there is a problem with half of the road being in Loon Lake Township <br /> and the other half in the City. He received a quote from Anderson Brothers to pave entire <br /> stretch and widened to specs at less than$88,000.00. <br /> A member of the Planning Commission suggested that it would be good stewardship to <br /> remove Lot 1 from the plat because of wetland and steep slope, increasing the size of the <br /> other lots. <br /> Mr. Qualley took issue with the DNR letter. He stated the Ordinance sets the <br /> requirements for lot size and the DNR can't change that because they think it should be <br /> larger lots. <br /> Mr. Hemmerick stated the 1,800 feet north of plat is not being developed; it may be low, <br /> but not being developed. <br /> Mr. Marohn stated that a boardwalk could be placed over wetland on Lot 1. Lots 2—7 <br /> have bluff areas and stairways are permitted by DNR rules and our Ordinance. We are <br /> more restrictive for vegetation clearing than the DNR. <br /> When asked about the Indian mounds, Staff reported that she had been in contact with the <br /> State Archaeologist, had been to the site,photographed the depressions/mounds and sent <br /> them to his office. He determined that they were not Indian mounds, but did state that if <br /> anything was discovered during excavation, to stop and secure area and contact him. <br /> Planning Commission 5 <br /> July 21, 2005 <br />