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MINUTES <br /> �- PEQUOT LAKES PLANNING COMMISSION <br /> SPECIAL MEETING <br /> FEBRUARY 22,2010 <br /> PRESENT: Tom Adams, Deb Brown, John Derksen, Bill Habein, Mark Hallan, Scott <br /> Pederson, Dean Williams and Tom Woog. ABSENT: None. <br /> CITY PLANNER: Charles L. Marohn, Jr., PE,AICP <br /> ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: Dawn Bittner <br /> COUNCIL LIAISON: Craig Nagel and Nancy Adams. <br /> The meeting was called to order at 6:33 by Chairman Woog. <br /> PUBLIC HEARING: <br /> Applicant: Brian Laudenbach <br /> Applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit for a Drive-Thru and Additional <br /> Signage in the Downtown Mixed Use District <br /> Mr. Marohn explained the Staff Report. Applicant was present as well as Sean Kaneski <br /> and Eric Halbert from Kuepers Construction. Mr. Kaneski passed out the sign diagram. <br /> Their plan is to remove the southern portion of the building, add onto and remodel the <br /> liquor store and construct a new structure for the Dairy Queen. They plan to leave the <br /> convenience store and restaurant;those areas could be removed and replaced as Phase <br /> Two. Impervious coverage isn't changing as the Class 5 will be paved. Drainage will be <br /> to the west of the building and to the west of Lonesome Cottage, toward the Church area. <br /> Mr. Habein stated that he doesn't see any change in the impervious coverage; the whole <br /> area in back is Class 5 now. The water runs west and south. There is an issue with the <br /> large sign. The menu board is only visible to patrons in the drive thru and the <br /> informational sign is pointing to the drive thru. <br /> Mr. Derksen was concerned that the large sign may be within MN/DOT right-of-way and <br /> may need to be moved. Mr. Kaneski stated MN/DOT has not completed their survey of <br /> their right-of-way in this area. The planter may be encroaching by approximately one <br /> foot. Moving the sign or planter will be MN/DOT's call. Mr. Laudenbach stated <br /> possibly one foot of the sign above may need to be removed. Mr. Kaneski stated they <br /> would propose to reface the existing sign or reduce the size. Mr. Marohn stated they can <br /> reface what is there;they cannot increase the size or make it smaller. Mr. Woog stated <br /> the concept plan allows the latitude to discuss that. <br /> Minutes I <br /> Pequot Lakes Planning Commission <br /> Special Meeting <br /> February 22, 2010 <br />