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Pequot Lakes -Hwy 371 North <br /> July 19, 2005 <br /> Page 8 of 12 <br /> Thus,if the City found a program with 80%federal funds and 20% local match,the split <br /> would be 80% federal, 10%MnDOT, and 10% City. However, if the City found a program <br /> with 60%federal funds and 40% local match, the split would be 60% federal, 10% <br /> MnDOT, and 30%City. <br /> The Committee will be investigating the underpass option further in the near future. <br /> 39. The aesthetics of the highway corridor thru town is another important issue. <br /> Items such as lighting, stamped concrete(cobblestone)medians, etc. have been discussed. <br /> Sidewalks,maybe on both sides (set back 6' to 8',meandering) through the `downtown <br /> urban core' stretch have also been discussed, as the Paul Bunyan trail cannot be used for <br /> pedestrian traffic due to snowmobiles in the winter. <br /> It was initially reported that MnDOT's policy is to allocate 3%to 5%of the construction <br /> cost within City Limits for the City to use for aesthetic items. Later, it was reported that no <br /> such funds were available. <br /> The cost of any aesthetics above and beyond the"standard" for MnDOT will be at the <br /> City's expense. <br /> The Committee will be holding further discussions on aesthetics within the project and will <br /> be soliciting input from other interested parties (planning& zoning,parks, chamber, etc.) <br /> 40. There is a City watermain crossing under TH 371 at Main Street/CSAH 11 that will <br /> (possibly)require a casing at the City's cost as part of this project. <br /> As this watermain is shown on old plans (1960's vintage), its condition and whether or not <br /> it is even in a casing pipe is unknown. <br /> We are awaiting feedback from MnDOT on how they want the City to proceed on an older <br /> watermain such as this. Without excavating in CSAH 11/Main Street or the intersection <br /> with TH 371, it will be difficult to determine whether there is a casing pipe or not. The City <br /> may have to do some investigation/exploration(cost unknown) to determine the situation. <br /> No matter its condition, the line is in MnDOT's R/W by permit and if the highway <br /> construction impacts the watermain in some way, the City will have to either encase it or <br /> relocate it at their expense. This will not be known until final design. <br /> JAI30PQLAK\025-MnDOT TH371 Improvements\Meetings\071905 Council Workshop update-memo.doc <br />