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City Council Minutes <br /> February 2, 2016 <br /> Page 5 of 12 <br /> ----------------------------- <br /> users should travel the Byway. This coordination includes the Byway's <br /> website. <br /> 7. Trail Crossing signage (both advance and at the trail) shall be provided <br /> on the temporary re-route where crossing the Paul Bunyan Trail and <br /> on the Trail itself. <br /> 8. A signage and pavement marking plan for the temporary re-route (at a <br /> minimum, as indicated on the attached) shall be provided to the <br /> County, the City, and MnDOT for their review and approval. <br /> 9. It is acknowledged by Mathiowetz that conditions can change during <br /> construction. Mathiowetz will pay for all design, construction, <br /> construction, and maintenance of signage and pavement marking <br /> changes needed as conditions, traffic patterns, unanticipated <br /> congestion, etc. dictate during construction on the re-route or on <br /> adjacent roadways directly caused by the re-route; the determination of <br /> such which will be at the sole discretion of either the City or the County <br /> (and then working with and through MnDOT). <br /> 10.Mathiowetz shall include directional signage from multiple directions <br /> directing traffic to downtown Pequot Lakes businesses. Mathiowetz <br /> shall provide signage sizes, shapes, and colors appropriate for the <br /> speeds of the roadways. At a minimum, on northbound existing <br /> Highway 371 south of the temporary re-route, Mathiowetz shall provide <br /> a "YES! Pequot Lakes' Businesses are Open" (or similar wording) sign <br /> with a straight arrow. At a minimum, on westbound temporary re-route <br /> east of existing Highway 371, Mathiowetz shall provide a "YES! Pequot <br /> Lakes' Businesses are Open" (or similar wording) advance sign with an <br /> up and to the right arrow. At a minimum, on westbound temporary re- <br /> route just east of existing Highway 371, Mathiowetz shall provide a <br /> "YES! Pequot Lakes' Businesses are Open" (or similar wording) sign <br /> with a right arrow. <br /> 11.Mathiowetz shall coordinate with the Chamber on space for them to <br /> provide banners and signage on posts / poles /stands for various <br /> special events that change on a weekly basis during the duration of the <br /> temporary re-route. <br /> 12.Mathiowetz shall include directional signage from multiple directions <br /> directing traffic towards Breezy Point. Mathiowetz shall provide <br /> signage sizes, shapes, and colors appropriate for the speeds of the <br /> roadways. At a minimum, on northbound existing Highway 371 south <br /> of the temporary re-route, Mathiowetz shall provide a "Breezy Point" <br />