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6. The property meets the minimum lot width standard of 100 feet for the <br />Shoreline Residential zone, being more than 200 feet wide. <br />7. Rezoning a portion of the property adjacent to State Highway 371 to <br />Commercial would not be compatible with the Future Land Use map which <br />designates this area as future Rural Residential in character. <br />8. A rezoning of the portion of the property along the Highway to Commercial <br />would be compatible with the surrounding zoning classifications as the <br />adjoining properties to the north and south are currently zoned <br />Commercial and have been developed as such. <br />9. Rezoning the eastern portion of these properties to Commercial would <br />meet the compatibility requirements for the Commercial district as the <br />subject properties would serve as a buffer between higher intensity <br />commercial areas and surrounding residential districts. <br />10. Rezoning the eastern portion of these properties to Commercial would not <br />constitute spot -zoning as adjoining properties are currently zoned <br />Commercial and properties on the east side of the Highway are also <br />Commercial. The western boundary of the commercial property is a line <br />between the eastem boundary of the platted Front Street and the western <br />boundary of the lot to the south of the subject property. <br />11. Rezoning these properties entirely to Shoreline Residential would <br />constitute down -zoning as these properties were previously zoned <br />Commercial along State Highway 371. The City has sought to avoid down - <br />zoning unless requested by the property owner. <br />If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. <br />Sincerely, <br />Dawn Bittner <br />Zoning Administrator <br />CC: Planning Commission <br />