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1. The subject property is located at 29665 Patriot Avenue and is zoned <br /> "Commercial". <br /> 2. The subject property is a conforming parcel. The property contains one structure <br /> which is also conforming. <br /> 3. The property is served by a private water well and a conforming private sewer <br /> system. <br /> 4. The conditional use permit request is to operate a dock and lift sales and service <br /> business on the subject property. <br /> 5. Signage will be applied for under separate Land Use Permit meeting Section 17- <br /> 7.1 of the City Code. <br /> 6. The proposed"use"is considered"Commercial Use(Other, Not Classified)"and <br /> requires a conditional use permit. <br /> 7. The proposed use,with conditions, conforms to the comprehensive plan. <br /> 8. The adjacent property is zoned"Commercial"and"Shoreline Residential". The <br /> proposed use is compatible with the existing neighborhood. <br /> 9. The proposed use,with conditions,will not be injurious to the public health, <br /> safety,welfare, decency, order, comfort, convenience, appearance or prosperity of <br /> the City. <br /> 10.Most of the work associated with the proposed business will be performed off- <br /> site. The conditional use,with conditions,will not be injurious to the use and <br /> enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity of the subject property. <br /> 11. The proposed use will not impede the normal and orderly development and <br /> improvement of surrounding vacant properties. <br /> 12. The subject property is accessed via Patriot Avenue, a city street, and is not <br /> served by the city sewer and water systems. There will be no additional costs to <br /> the city with the proposed use. <br /> 13.There is adequate off-street parking and loading space on the subject property for <br /> the proposed use. <br /> 14.Adequate measures have or will be taken to prevent nuisances. <br /> 15. There are no known natural, scenic, or historical features of major significance on <br /> the subject property. <br /> And subject to the following Conditions: <br /> 1. The property shall maintain a neat and orderly appearance and free of inoperable <br /> equipment. There shall be no limitation on number of trucks,trailers, docks/lifts <br /> for sale, dock/lifts stored for customers, or combination thereof stored/displayed <br /> outside on the fenced impervious area. <br /> 2. An updated certificate of survey including impervious surface coverage <br /> calculations shall be submitted prior to construction of any additional impervious <br /> surface coverage on the property. If the existing impervious coverage exceeds 25% <br /> applicant shall provide a grading plan outlining design to reduce the impervious <br /> coverage to 25%and implement said plan. <br /> 3. Signage shall be permitted by separate application. <br /> 4. The existing vegetation along Patriot Avenue shall remain. <br /> MINUTES 6 <br /> Pequot Lakes Planning Commission <br /> March 17, 2022 <br />