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training, public fire education, arson investigation, hazardous materials <br /> incidents and natural and man made disasters. <br /> ARTICLE 3. CUYUNA RANGE FIRE SERVICE MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION <br /> Each Party, upon execution of this Agreement by its governing body, <br /> becomes a member of the Cuyuna Range Fire Service Mutual Aid <br /> Association for the purpose of furthering the intent of this Agreement. <br /> ARTICLE 4. IDENTIFICATION OF PARTIES <br /> Subd. 1. Upon adoption of a resolution by a Party's governing body, an executed <br /> copy of this Agreement shall be forwarded by the member Party to the <br /> Secretary of the Cuyuna Range Fire Chiefs' Association. The Secretary of <br /> the Cuyuna Range Fire Chiefs' Association shall maintain a current list of <br /> the Parties to this Agreement and furnish same to all member Parties. <br /> Whenever there is a change to this Agreement, the Secretary shall furnish <br /> a revised list to all member Parties. <br /> Subd. 2. This Agreement shall be in effect between the Party executing this <br /> Agreement and all other Parties executing this Agreement, unless <br /> specified below. <br /> ARTICLE 5. PROCEDURE <br /> Subd. 1. Whenever, in the opinion of the Requesting Official, there is a need for <br /> Assistance, the Requesting Official may request Assistance from one or <br /> more Parties to this Agreement. <br /> Subd. 2. Upon receipt of a request for Assistance, a Party's Responding Official <br /> may authorize and direct such Assistance, PROVIDED that whether such <br /> Assistance shall be provided and/or to what extent such Assistance shall <br />