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The Director presented information on an amendment to the procurement policy that HUD is requiring for the <br />�,,tecovery Act funds that Sibley Terrace is receiving. M/Peterson S/Youngberg. All ayes motion carried. <br />Open Forum <br />Resident Delores Rager asked about the condition of her unit when she moved in and was concerned that she <br />would be charged when she moves out. The Director told her that they would pull her file and discuss it with <br />her privately. <br />Mayor Adams spoke to thank Delores Rager for coming to the Planning and Zoning meeting to speak on behalf <br />of the new grocery store. She also informed everyone that there was a groundbreaking for the grocery store <br />November 19, at 11:30am. Mayor Adams pointed out that sentence to serve crews had hung the lights in the <br />park for the holiday season. <br />Lorraine Grabow from Parkview I stated that the community room was too hot, and let everyone know that <br />there were 2 televisions that had been donated to the community room and also a DVD and VCR. She also <br />stated that she did not receive any interest from residents for the activities she had planned, so she is <br />volunteering her time at the new Senior Center in Pequot Lakes. She also informed everyone that she spoke to a <br />couple of people who routinely use the community room and leave garbage behind, she told them that they are <br />more than welcome to use the room, but that they need to clean up after themselves. <br />Meeting adjourned at 5:25.PM. <br />No <br />Sec. <br />