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Adopted by Council on 4 -1 -08 <br />(Revised) <br />Summer Water Usage Policy (Option #1) <br />The City Council has determined that it is in the best interest of <br />customer fairness and sound public policy to establish a summer water usage <br />policy. This policy will more accurately reflect summer sewer usage by <br />eliminating outside water usage that is not contributing to the wastewater <br />collection system. For those customers who use a large amount of water in <br />the summer to water lawns and gardens, this policy will result in a reduction <br />in the summer sewer bills. (Sewer fees are based on water usage) <br />The City will use a quarterly water usage for the months of November <br />through January to determine sewer fees for the summer months of June, <br />July, and August. <br />The first averaged usage will show up on the July statement, which <br />reflects June's usage. <br />Water Customers with Irrigation Systems (Option #2) <br />If a customer has an irrigation/sprinkler system, they have the option <br />of installing a second water meter. The second meter will reflect the water <br />usage for the irrigation system and customers will not be charged a sewer <br />fee for this usage. <br />The type of meter to be installed will be determined by the City <br />Water /Wastewater Supervisor. Meters are available by contacting City Hall. <br />The customer is responsible for the cost of the second meter and for the <br />installation of the meter. The customer shall also contact the City for an <br />inspection when the second meter has been installed. If the customer does <br />choose to go with this option of a second meter, the summer usage policy <br />will not apply. <br />If you have any questions about this policy, please contact City Hall at <br />218 -568 -5222. <br />