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EDC Minutes <br /> May 19, 2020 <br /> Page4of8 <br /> ----------------------------- <br /> Development Public Infrastructure Program, BDPI, that could help with the costs <br /> but not necessarily offset it. <br /> Commissioner Becklin asked what it would cost to extend the sewer and water all <br /> the way to the potential ball fields. Mr. Houle said looking back at that 2018 <br /> study and if you look at all the sewer, water, streets, storm sewer it would be <br /> somewhere around $2.2 million. He did also say that they took that big study <br /> number and then broke it back into a per acre cost just to give people a sense of <br /> the potential investment. <br /> Commissioner Lelwica asked if he could break the cost down per foot and he <br /> stated he did not. He stated one of the variables to the cost is getting down <br /> Derksen Road from Morehouse Drive to the proposed s��ltherly road going into <br /> the Heart of the Good Life and whether you shouiki count#hat footage. He said <br /> he could come up with a per foot cost and pt�t several p��il�le options if <br /> they would like. Discussion ensued abou��e phases and the�s. Mr. Houle <br /> stated phase one has an estimated pr��t cost of$257,000 and tha�as�rhat they <br /> would propose to the EDC to recomrrient���he Cq�r�cil should Xce��nergy <br /> acquire that area roughly encompassed by��t��antl three. He s�ated that he <br /> would like the EDC to continue to think of the��icture long-term and know that <br /> in each phasing of the Heart of the Good Life th��t`��ill be situations where the <br /> infrastructure might cost more ��d.there will be sit�r�s�rhere the <br /> infrastructure might cost less on � pe�#o�t�or per acr���sis. He said he can <br /> break phase one down for them if they would like. <br /> Gail Leverson S�t���she is a funding specialist with WSN and the BDPI <br /> program is a�ant prog�m just for greater Minnesota. She said they use it quite <br /> a bit and it=is r��de to k�p jobs, enhanced jobs in the area and expand the tax <br /> �„ <br /> base. She stat�l�at i���ay to fund �bout 50% of the cost of sewer, water <br /> ,� <br /> supplies,�utility ext�r�n�,"�� , ; �'`treatment, and storm water. She said <br /> that�the City"�as a pr��„�t here th��going to create 14 jobs and possible more. <br /> afie stated sM�lpoked�� statute yesterday and they are trying to grow <br /> businesses thatfit in the rf����'`acturing technology, warehousing, distribution <br /> and, and the Iike. She said she feels very confident after listening to Xcel <br /> Energy's presentation that the project fits right into the mission of the BDPI <br /> program. <br /> Ms. Leverson stated it is a program that gets funded every finro years by the state <br /> but they are without funding until probably July 1 st of this year. She said they <br /> take rolling applications throughout the year but when they run out of money <br /> everybody has to wait for the next time. She stated that the program has been <br /> around since 2002. <br /> Chair Lindholm asked her to clarify that it costs $5,000 to apply in the hopes of <br /> getting the cost of the quarterly dollars. She stated that she believed that$5,000 <br /> would be the absolute maximum and said it would probably be more like 40 <br /> hours that it would take to get it together. She stated the hourly rate for her would <br /> be $95. <br />