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EDC Minutes <br /> May 19, 2020 <br /> Page 8 of 8 <br /> ----------------------------- <br /> make it a constitutional argument, although there probably is one, but rather an <br /> argument that our businesses are to open as they provide the same business <br /> that is available to shoppers at bigger stores. Council Member Pederson stated <br /> that he had 17 contacts from different people throughout the community and all <br /> of them have been 100% positive but there is a frustration out there with the <br /> salons because they have state licenses. <br /> Ms. Malecha stated that in the resolution it does state that businesses can open <br /> if they so choose, however they have to be mindful of the Minnesota department <br /> of Health and CDC guidelines. She stated that we did get�veral calls at city hall <br /> and there was a little confusion. She stated that we did�t c�ls from salons, <br /> bars, and restaurants and what we told those indivi���that if you have any <br /> type of licensing through the state, this resolution,�es'"� �,�upersede that and <br /> you need to contact your state licensing agency�b,make �`�.,that you can open, <br /> i��, <br /> even though there is an executive order from the g�vernor c�����,ere with the <br /> guidelines that those establishments need to follow. Ms. Malec�sXated if they <br /> �� <br /> so choose to open they have to do their due diligence to make s��a�e�r are <br /> covered insurance wise, liability wise, an�.r��ke that��lecision for th�selves. <br /> She stated the City Council is not saying you�ave to open, it's just�giving them <br /> the opportunity to open it as long as they follow t�wse guidelines. <br /> � Commissioner Lelwica stated tt��st�wants to publicly thank the City Council for <br /> doing it and standing up for our�us�i���� She stated��that she believes that <br /> with the small businesses followir�the g����s that the risk to the individual is <br /> actually lower than at big box stor�. C�cussi���ued about businesses with <br /> licenses and the pos�ibility that the��uld lose�eir license if they open before <br /> the Governor's Executi�e;Order allow�„them to. <br /> 12. Adiournment <br /> Th�r��k3ei�..�a further business, Chair Lindholm adjoumed the meeting at 9:26 <br /> a.m. <br /> Respecf€utl�submitted, <br /> `;�, �% <br /> Angie Duus <br /> City Clerk/Treasurer, ��'� <br />