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City of <br />�- Pequot <br />Lakes— <br />CELL PHONE POLICY <br />PURPOSE <br />The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance regarding cellular (cell) phone <br />privileges and to define City expectations with regard to use of City -owned cell phones. <br />The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires that stringent controls be in place to ensure <br />compliance of IRS regulations. <br />GENERAL PROVISIONS <br />Based on business needs, the Department Head will determine which positions in their <br />departments require a cell phone. Employees who require a cell phone will be allowed to <br />choose from two options. One option provides a City -owned cellular phone. The other <br />option provides a cellular telephone stipend for use of a personal cellular phone for <br />business and personal use. <br />PLAN OPTIONS <br />PLAN A: CITY -OWNED CELL PHONE AND SERVICE PLAN - Us <br />Under Plan A, the City issues a cell phone and cell phone number to the employee to be <br />used primarily for non - compensatory business purposes N-efk F l ted use ONT v in <br />completion of the employee's work duties. T ndef Plan .^ the „on .,he e ., net be used <br />Under Plan A, the full cost of the phone, equipment and service plan is paid by the City. <br />All equipment is owned by the City. sign <br />1. led .,t that ne-pefseiial tise will be lvor7 The ..1-., -led .,t . ;11 he <br />plaeed in the exipiayee's r el file <br />Under Plan A, the City reserves the right to monitor the use of all City -owned cellular <br />phones. The De "rtn en! Head is i:espensiblle fe ati lit, . the tisage of the he e by <br />b b <br />7 The De ftnie t ilea shall .,tote a Cal T g 17 - > t the t' <br />9FCLtrrt rev:., i�%��ie« i viiii a� ui�. �iiii�vi <br />the audit .,n shall „to ,stances of pet!se al , the fei -fn_ any <br />Upon separation of employment, the employee must return the City -owned cellular <br />`- telephone and the City - assigned telephone number. <br />