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computer updating and replacing, as this will be an ongoing need. No action taken. <br />Carpet runners — John handed out a bid by AmeriPride for the following carpet <br />runners: Inside front door, 3' x 5' bristle mat. Abutting that and running toward the <br />checkout desk, 3' x 10' runner. In front of the checkout desk, 3' x 5' runner. December <br />through March, these would be picked up and replaced every two weeks. The remaining <br />eight months of the year they would be picked up and replaced once a month. The bid for <br />this service is $359.20 per year. Motion was made by John Longnecker to accept the bid. <br />Seconded by Jean Clark. All ayes. <br />Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. <br />