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3. The Agricultural zoning district allows low-impact business offices that are <br /> compatible with the surrounding land uses. <br /> 4. The proposed use does not conflict with the intent of the AG zoning district <br /> and the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> 5. The existing building does not contribute to water pollution nor is the site <br /> subject to erosion. There are no changes being proposed to the building. <br /> 6. The site has an existing sewage treatment system that is compliant and sized <br /> adequately for an office building. <br /> 7. The proposed use is not within the shoreland zone and is not visible from <br /> public water. <br /> Planning Commission Direction: The Planning Commission can cite specific findings <br /> of fact to support an approval of the Conditional Use Permit. The Planning Commission <br /> can cite specific findings of fact to support a denial of the Conditional Use Permit. The <br /> Planning Commission can also table the request to gather additional irf^*_oration. <br /> Staff Recommendation: Based on the findings of fact presented in this report,we <br /> recommend that the Conditional Use Permit be approved with consideration given to the <br /> following conditions: <br /> 1. There shall be no storage of hazardous materials or toxic wastes on the site, <br /> including within the building. <br /> 2. The site shall be kept clean and orderly, with no accumulation of debris or <br /> rubbish. There shall be no outside storage. <br /> 3. Approved rental of storage spaces does not constitute approval of additional <br /> businesses within the complex. <br /> March 2004 Staff Report Page 4 <br />