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PEQUOT LAKES <br /> PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION <br /> REGULAR MEETING <br /> OCTOBER 16, 2001 <br /> Tommy Woog called the regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission to order at 6:30 p.m. in the <br /> Council Chambers of Pequot Lakes City Hall. <br /> Present were: Tommy Woog, Dona Trenkenschuh, John Derksen and Jerry Thompson. Absent were Carrie <br /> Walsh and Tony Maurer. <br /> MIKE ARVIG: Mike brought in site plans for Lot 1, Block 3 of the Industrial Park. He would like to build a <br /> small office and rental storage units. Our Ordinance does not have a Land Use classification for this type of a <br /> business. It was recommended to Mr. Arvig that he apply for a Conditional Use Permit. Due to time limits, the <br /> Public hearing will be at the next City Council meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday,November 13, 2001. Mailings <br /> will be sent to all Industrial Park lot owners as well as City Council and the Planning&Zoning Commission. <br /> INFORMATION ONLY PACKETS: Larry Greden fence discussed. Nancy will check sometime in the next <br /> month to make sure that the fence alterations are taken care of. Regarding his questions about additional docks, <br /> it was decided that he would need to apply for a Conditional Use Permit. <br /> John Acosta property-31102 Spruce Street. It was determined that a reasonable attempt has been made on their <br /> part to clean up the property. For now, that is enough as far as the Committee is concerned. <br /> Tommy encouraged the other members of the Commission to try to attend the next joint Planning&Zoning <br /> meeting with Sibley Township on 10/30/01 here at City Hall. Suggested items for the agenda were: A <br /> Comprehensive Plan and discussion of the comparison of Ordinances between the Township and the City. <br /> A motion to accept the Minutes of the September 18th meeting with corrections(the date was incorrect)was <br /> made by John Derksen and seconded by Dona Trenkenschuh. Motion was carried unanimously. <br /> Motion to adjourn was made by Dona Trenkenschuh at 7:15 p.m. and seconded by John Derksen. Motion <br /> carried unanimously and meeting was adjourned at 7:20p.m. <br /> Pzminl0/16/01 <br />