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MINUTES <br /> PEQUOT LAKES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION <br /> FEBRUARY 26, 2004 <br /> PRESENT: Bill Habein, Tom Adams, Marty Nelson, Joe Dotty, Karl Moon, and Tom <br /> Woog. ABSENT: Mark Hallan and John Derksen. <br /> PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR: Charles Marohn, PE. <br /> ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: Dawn Bittner. <br /> The February 19, 2004 meeting was reconvened at 6:38 p.m. by Tom Woog, <br /> Chairperson. <br /> APPLICANT: City of Pequot Lakes. <br /> Public Hearing on the DRAFT Pequot Lakes Comprehensive Plan. <br /> The following are comments or suggestions made by Commission Members or the <br /> audience: <br /> Natural Resources Plan: <br /> 1. Retain wildlife corridors—add suggested places or a map? <br /> 2. Prairie Chickens—do include as they are in Cass County. <br /> 3. Protecting health, welfare, etc. of constituents to include other life forms of plants or <br /> animals. <br /> 4. Page 51: Soils—remove Sibley Township. <br /> Recreation Action Plan: <br /> 1. Page 64: Policies—economic growth was discussed. <br /> 2. Create a park and rec group. <br /> 3. Long term goad—add outdoor rec area. <br /> 4. Partner with the schools to make indoor facilities accessible. <br /> 7:06 JOHN DERKSEN ARRIVED. <br /> 5. Page 53: Map indicates resorts not in City. <br /> Infrastructure Action Plan: <br /> 1. Policy#3 —Move "when . . . maintained"to beginning of sentence. <br /> 2. Maps—municipal boundary—Jenkins not removed. <br /> 3. Maps—road north of Nagel Road does not exist. <br /> 4. Page 82: Add stormwater management critical for wellhead protection. <br /> Integrated Growth Plan: <br />