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COMMUNiTYGROWTH <br /> October 24, 2005 1 N S T 1 T U T E <br /> Mayor and City Council <br /> City of Pequot Lakes <br /> 4638 County Road 11 <br /> Pequot Lakes,MN 56472 <br /> Re: Zoning Administrator's Report <br /> Dear Mayor and City Council: <br /> The Planning Commission met for their regularly scheduled September meeting where they held <br /> seven public hearings—four for individual property rezonings,one for an ordinance amendment, one <br /> for a final plat, and one for a preliminary plat. One of the rezoning hearings was tabled at the request <br /> of the applicant and the preliminary plat application was tabled to allow the applicant to submit a <br /> revised layout. The Planning Commission is forwarding you the following recommendations for your <br /> consideration: <br /> 1. Rezoning from Wooded Residential Zone to Transition Residential Zone, PINs <br /> 290113200AAD009, 2901132001300009, 290113200F00009, 290113200AAC009, & <br /> 29011320000089,Chris Greer,City of Pequot Lakes. <br /> The properties are located north of downtown on County Road 112 and vary in size from 19.4 <br /> acres to one acre. The properties were shown on the original zoning map as Agricultural. Prior <br /> to the merger of Pequot Lakes and Sibley Township, these properties were annexed to the City <br /> and given a zoning of Wooded Residential. The proposed zoning for the properties are <br /> `-- Transition Residential. The owner has indicated to staff that he would like to have the property <br /> zoned Urban Residential. <br /> The Planning Commission is recommending that the properties with PINs <br /> 290113200AAD009, 290113200D00009, 290113200F00009, 290113200AAC009, and <br /> 29011320000089 be rezoned to Transition Residential based on the following findings of <br /> fact: <br /> 1. The rezoning to Transition Residential is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Future <br /> Land Use Map. The Future Land Use Map designates these parcels as Urban/Rural Transition <br /> and partly as Forest Preservation on the eastern edge. <br /> 2. The properties are bordered on the east by property zoned Forest Management and on the <br /> west by properties zoned Transition Residential and Urban Residential. <br /> 3. The properties are bordered on the north by property that is zoned Agriculture and to the <br /> south by properties zoned Transition Residential. <br /> 4. Rezoning the property to Transition Residential would not constitute spot zoning, as adjacent <br /> properties are of the same zone or are compatible in their zoning. Rezoning to Urban <br /> Residential, also, would not constitute spot zoning as the adjacent property to the west is <br /> proposed to be rezoned to Urban Residential. <br /> 5. The Transition Residential zone is compatible with the surrounding zones and serves as a <br /> buffer between the more intense Urban Residential and Downtown Mixed Use zones to the <br /> southeast and the Agriculture and Forest Management zones to the north and east. <br /> 14084 Baxter Drive, Suite 7 <br /> Baxter, MN 56401 <br /> (218) 828-3064 <br /> <br />