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COMMUNITYGROWTH <br /> August 22, 2005 I N S T I T U T E <br /> Mayor and City Council <br /> City of Pequot Lakes <br /> 4638 County Road 11 <br /> Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 <br /> Re: Zoning Administrator's Report <br /> Dear Mayor and City Council: <br /> The Planning Commission met for their regularly scheduled July meeting where they held five <br /> public hearings — three continued public hearings for preliminary plats and five for individual <br /> property rezonings. One preliminary plat and one rezoning hearing were tabled, each at the <br /> request of the respective applicants. The Planning Commission is forwarding you the following <br /> recommendations for your consideration: <br /> 1. Preliminary Plat of Keen Addition,Allen Berens. <br /> The property is approximately 6.8 acres in size and is part of Government Lot 3, Section 10, <br /> Township 136 N, Range 29 W. The parcel is located west of Sibley Lake and lies to the east <br /> of CSAH 17 and to the north of Ingoll Way(Lakeside Drive). <br /> The parcel is zoned Medium Density Residential (MR) and falls under the jurisdiction of the <br /> previous Ordinance due to the application date. The applicant proposes to create six (6) <br /> residential lots, all of which would be 32,073 square feet, or roughly 0.73 acres, in size. <br /> The Planning Commission is recommending approval of the preliminary plat based on the <br /> following findings of fact: <br /> 1. The land falls in the Medium Density Residential zoning district, which is not described <br /> by the previous Ordinance. The previous zoning map includes a description of the <br /> Medium Density Residential zone and sets a minimum lot size. <br /> 2. The land is suitable for development in its natural state for residential use with minimum <br /> alterations as the land is generally flat and does not contain any natural features that <br /> would limit development. <br /> 3. Each lot has adequate space for the placement of two standard sewage treatment systems. <br /> The soil survey indicates that this area has soils that are "Very Suitable" for septic tank <br /> and drainfield applications, however soil borings were not provided and would need to be <br /> completed prior to septic installation. <br /> 4. The governing Ordinance does not provide lot use or dimension standards for a Medium <br /> Density Residential zone. The property falls partially within the shoreland area. The <br /> zoning map indicates that the minimum lot size for this zone is 20,000 square feet. The <br /> lots are all greater than 40,000 square feet. Setbacks are also indicated on the plat and <br /> each lot provides adequate space for development. <br /> 14084 Baxter Drive, Suite 7 <br /> Baxter, MN 56401 <br /> (218) 828-3064 <br /> <br />