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With 8 members,there are usually at least 6 at the meetings. <br /> Staff was directed to check absences last year. <br /> Council member voting was discussed. It was decided that Council members could ask <br /> questions and make comments, but could not vote. <br /> Mr.Nagel was reluctant to reduce the number of members. <br /> A motion was made by Mark Hallan, seconded by Tom Adams,to leave the number of <br /> Commission Members at 8. All members voted"aye". Motion carried. <br /> A motion was made by Mark Hallan, seconded by Bill Habein, that for members not in <br /> attendance at a regular meeting,there would be no pay for that meeting, special meetings <br /> or site visits that month. <br /> After discussion,Mr. Hallan amended the motion, seconded by Mr. Habein,to exclude <br /> the Chair. All members voted"aye". Motion carried. <br /> Staff was directed to include an attendance record with the recommendation. <br /> b. Wilderness Point Resort Discussion. <br /> Chad Connor and Jeff Miller of WSN were in attendance representing Wilderness Point <br /> Resort. They provided copies of the existing conditions of the Resort, a summer 2004 <br /> aerial photo and a proposed site plan. The current CUP allows 47 campsites and 10 <br /> cabins. The Planning Commission asked them to submit a breakdown into tiers, along <br /> with the number of structures or sites within the 75' setback now and how many <br /> proposed. <br /> Dockage will be an issue. Forty-eight slips are allowed under current CUP and 60 slips <br /> are shown on site plan Staff was directed to check the State guidelines. <br /> Commission asked to see original CUP. <br /> The maximum frontage allowed on the lake is 3%. Staff was directed to supply the <br /> shoreline footage of Cullen Lake and determine if an EAW is required and what that <br /> threshold number is. <br /> There are 3 cabins in the setback,the point cabin, cabin#2 and cabin#4. The boathouse <br /> would stay as a non-conforming structure. <br /> The wetland has been determined,but not delineated yet. The Commission would need <br /> to see the ISTS design. <br /> TOMMY WOOG ARRIVED AT 7:53 p.m. <br /> The plan is for the Resort to apply for a CUP for a PUD for a resort,rezone the <br /> residential lot to waterfront commercial and become part of the resort and apply for <br /> Preliminary Plat. They plan to subdivide the resort and sell the cabins. The new owners <br /> would not be allowed to homestead the property, the owner can use the cabin only a short <br /> Planning Commission January 20,2005 2 <br />