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ORDINANCE NUMBER 07- <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 9.10 OF THE <br /> ZONING ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING CRITERIA FOR PARK DEDICATION <br /> The City Council of the City of Pequot Lakes does ordain as follows: <br /> Section 1. Purpose and Intent: The purpose and intent of this Ordinance is to amend <br /> Section 9.10 of the Zoning Ordinance. <br /> Section 2. Amendment: Section 9.10 shall be amended to read as follows: <br /> 1. In accordance with the provisions of Section 462.358 of the Minnesota Statutes, <br /> or amendments thereto, the subdivider shall dedicate, to the public, lands for <br /> highway rights-of-way, street rights-of-way, utility easements, wetland <br /> easements,and similar lands required for perpetual and public improvements. <br /> 2. The City of Pequot Lakes finds it in the public interest and necessary to provide <br /> future parks, trails and other public open and recreational spaces for the citizens <br /> of Pequot Lakes. As such, for every new subdivision of land involving three or <br /> more lots which are to be developed for residential purposes, the Planning <br /> Commission, with the concurrence of the City Council, shall require a payment or <br /> dedication to the City of any one of the following, to be reviewed on an annual <br /> basis at the beginning of each calendar year: <br /> a. A reasonable portion of a land dedication for conservation purposes or for <br /> public use as parks, recreational facilities,playgrounds, trails, wetlands, or <br /> open space, up to 0.016 acres per resident expected in the proposed <br /> development, using the most recent average household size as determined <br /> by the Minnesota State Demographer's Office and the U.S. Census <br /> Bureau. <br /> b. A payment of up to $416 per expected resident in the proposed <br /> subdivision, using the most recent average household size as determined <br /> by the Minnesota State Demographer's Office and the U.S.' Census <br /> Bureau. <br /> c. A combination of land dedication and cash payment to the City for parks <br /> and open space purposes that reflects the values contained herein and in <br /> the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan. <br /> 3. The amount of land and/or payment shall be set by the Planning Commission, <br /> with the concurrence of the City Council, after taking into consideration the open <br /> space,park, recreational, or common areas facilities which the applicant proposes <br /> to reserve for public use within the subdivision. The City shall grant preference to <br /> payment in lieu of land dedication unless an area within the land to be platted has <br /> been identified by the City for park acquisition. The following factors shall be <br /> taken into consideration when reviewing potential lands for park dedication: <br /> a. The suitability of the land for its intended purpose. <br /> b. The future needs of the community regarding parks, trails, and open <br /> spaces. <br /> c. The amount of any fees imposed, consistent with the requirements and <br /> limitations contained in this Section. <br />