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Scope of the Project <br /> The purpose of this project is to study the financial management systems of the water and sewer <br /> operations for the City of Pequot Lakes and provide the information needed to establish financial <br /> management strategies and practices to efficiently operate City utilities now and in the future. The <br /> final reports will be provided in electronic format whenever possible so that if the City chooses, it can <br /> update projections and spreadsheets internally in future years. <br /> The City wishes to develop the following tools to guide operations of the utilities: <br /> 1. A review of the short term and long term funding needs and options for financing public <br /> improvements,utility projects,and operational needs. <br /> 2. A rate study that determines whether current water and sanitary sewer rates for residential, <br /> commercial and industrial customers are reasonable and equitable, while covering the full cost <br /> of services and infrastructure. The rate study will evaluate both user charges and connection <br /> fees, where applicable and appropriate. <br /> Qualifications Statements <br /> Firm Profile: <br /> Ehlers & Associates, Inc. has been designing outstanding financial solutions for outstanding <br /> communities for over 50 years. Throughout the years, we have developed and expanded our services <br /> to include debt planning and issuance, strategic and financial planning, public participation, economic <br /> housing and redevelopment and special financial studies, such as utility rate studies <br /> Ehlers and Associates is an independent financial advisory firm with offices in Minnesota, Wisconsin <br /> and Illinois. Our corporate headquarters are located in Roseville, MN, and is the base from which the <br /> study will be performed. <br /> Office details are as follows: <br /> Address: 3060 Centre Pointe Drive <br /> Roseville,MN 55113 <br /> Phone: (651) 697-8500 <br /> FAX: (651) 697-8555 <br /> Ehlers and Associates have been providing trusted financial advisory services to the City of Pequot <br /> Lakes since 1998. Given that history, Ehlers can provide a continuity of service and a measure of <br /> institutional memory for this project. <br /> City of Pequot Lakes, Utility Rate Study Proposal February 22,2007 <br /> Page I <br />