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Pequot Lakes,MN User Charge Analysis RFQ Response,March 1,2007,Page 3 of 3 <br /> Timing <br /> For most analyses the time it takes me to model rates is measured in days.The larger time factor <br /> is usually the time it takes the client to supply the data and information I need.Thus,if you <br /> produced the data quickly and had well developed plans for capital improvements and the like, <br /> the analysis could be completed in a few weeks.I suspect that,because your staff are busy with <br /> other workloads,the analyses will end up being completed over a two to three month period. <br /> Contracting <br /> You may draw up a contract for the project if you like.However,your acceptance of my written <br /> proposal is all the agreement I need to do the project.I know that,contract or no contract,if you <br /> are not pleased with my work you won't pay my fee so I don't rely on contracts for protection. <br /> Instead,I please my clients with the results I give them and they are glad to pay me as a result. <br /> As a matter of policy or ordinance,some cities require contracts for such projects.Most of those <br /> cities just draw up a simple signature page that references my proposal. <br /> Guarantee <br /> My guarantee is simple;you will be satisfied with the results I enable you to achieve or you owe <br /> me nothing someday I will displease a <br /> client but it hasn't happened so far. <br /> In Closing <br /> However and by whomever you get the analyses done I applaud you for doing the right thing.All <br /> systems need to analyze and reset their rates regularly if they are to serve their ratepayers well. <br /> I look forward to your response and I hope to be helping you soon. <br /> `-' Best regards, <br /> Carl Brown Consulting, LLC <br /> C*L <br /> Carl E.Brown <br /> President <br /> Enclosures <br />