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Pequot Lakes,Minnesota Rate Analysis Proposal,February 15,2007,Page 2 of 3 <br /> 2. You will gain a high level of confidence that your rates and finances will adequately fund the <br /> systems for a substantial period of time.The analyses will project your rates,fees,costs, <br /> capital improvements and all other important costs and revenues,plus important financial <br /> performance measures io years into the future. <br /> 3. Being adequately funded,you will more easily be able to satisfy your customers'service and <br /> public health desires and maintain compliance with your permit to dispense water and other <br /> requirements from the regulatory agencies. <br /> 4. You will give potential funders a high level of confidence to make funding decisions in your <br /> favor. <br /> 5. You will have the documentation necessary to set rates,tap fees and other fees and charges <br /> that are fair and equitable to your ratepayers and property owners. <br /> In addition to the above returns,the final report for the analysis will include calculations of returns <br /> on investment based upon the estimated additional net revenues generated by the proposed rates and <br /> fees.Therefore,not having the final product available yet,the following estimates are only illustrative. <br /> However,they should be useful in your decision-making process. <br /> Your water and sewer systems have a total annual budget of approximately$400,000.It is my <br /> understanding that these systems are roughly breaking even on an operating cost basis.However,the <br /> systems may not be fully covering the needed costs for equipment replacement and the city is facing <br /> substantial capital improvements in the next io years.If you have me determine the rates necessary to pay <br /> all expenses,including future estimated debt service,plus build reasonable reserves and get your <br /> replacement schedules on track,your returns on investment will likely be whimsically high.The first year <br /> the return on investment will likely be over i,000 percent and rise by roughly that amount each year for <br /> two to three years.If the rate analyses play a significant role in helping you acquire capital improvement <br /> financing,the returns will go markedly higher. <br /> Work Coordination <br /> I would like for you to designate one contact person to be the primary contact for me to correspond <br /> and speak with.That will facilitate good communication and coordination.I will communicate primarily <br /> with that person but there will be times when I will need to communicate with others,as well.Certainly, <br /> near the end of the project I will discuss the analysis and present my findings to everyone you think needs <br /> to be involved. <br /> Action Item:Whoever your primary contact person will be,I need their name,e-mail <br /> address and other contact information. <br /> If I am to make an on-site visit to make presentations of my findings at meetings,I will produce all <br /> necessary handouts. I can also provide a data projector for those presentations if you do not have one <br /> available. <br /> For this analysis I will gather volume usage,rates,fees,other charges,operating costs,revenues, <br /> replacement schedules,capital improvement planning information,contractual arrangements and other <br /> data concerning your systems.I will analyze this information,coordinating periodically with your contact <br /> person.Jointly,we will arrive at a set of financial goals for your systems.I will then devise proposed <br /> adjusted rates,fees and charges and give you my recommendations for activities you should complete to <br /> achieve those financial goals. <br /> Your staff will gather the basic data for me.I suggest you follow the enclosed guide to make that <br /> simpler.This is a very iterative process so I will guide your staff and answer any questions they have as <br /> they gather data.Send documents and information to me by e-mail,fax or land mail. <br /> You should not wait until you have all the data assembled before sending it to me.Rather,send me <br /> whatever is readily available when it is available so I can work on that while you gather other data.If some <br /> of your data is in,or it can be converted to MS Word,Excel,Access,Rich Text or Adobe Acrobat program <br /> formats;e-mail that data to me at carlbrown(& to save time. <br />