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Mr. Pederson suggested compromising by lowering the sign with less square footage, <br /> drop it to 22 feet rather than 31 feet. Mr. Williams asked if the sign becomes 2 feet <br /> higher when the flower box is removed. Mr. Kaneski stated the height was measured <br /> from the asphalt. <br /> The Planning Commission asked if the two existing freestanding signs could be <br /> combined into one sign. Mr. Kaneski stated he couldn't speak for Mr. Laudenbach who <br /> is making an investment in the community. The BP sign cannot be removed. Last month <br /> Mr. Laudenbach stated it was his intent to keep that sign. <br /> Mr. Kaneski stated the sign is grandfathered in;they are not increasing the size. <br /> A motion was made by Scott Pederson, seconded by Bill Habein,to approve remodeling <br /> the existing sign not to exceed 24 feet in height measured from the parking lot pavement <br /> with a maximum of 150 square feet per side. <br /> An amendment to the motion was made by Dean Williams to lower existing structure to <br /> 20 feet, rather than 24 feet and the signage be located within the 2 eyebeams. <br /> Amendment died for lack of a second. <br /> ROLL CALL VOTE: Mr. Habein,Aye; Ms. Brown, Aye; Mr. Derksen,Nay; Mr. <br /> Williams,Nay; Mr. Hallan, Aye; Mr. Pederson, Aye. Motion Carried. Aye 4—Nay 2. <br /> The next proposal is for the menu board,the access entry sign and the preview board. <br /> The preview board is to alleviate traffic congestion. The pervious area was increased for <br /> the preview sign. Mr. Williams asked if it could be faced west rather than northwest. He <br /> was looking for screening from the north. <br /> A motion was made by Dean Williams, seconded by John Derksen,to approve menu <br /> board and the access sign. <br /> ROLL CALL VOTE: Mr. Habein,Nay; Ms. Brown,Nay; Mr. Derksen, Aye; Mr. <br /> Williams,Aye; Mr. Hallan, Aye; Mr. Pederson,Nay; Mr. Adams,Nay. Motion Fails. <br /> Aye 3 —Nay 4. <br /> A motion was made by Mark Hallan, seconded by Bill Habein,to approve the menu <br /> board,the preview board and the directional drive-thru sign with provision that the site <br /> plan is modified to propose a 5-foot area to the north to provide screening from West <br /> Lake Street. <br /> ROLL CALL VOTE: Mr. Habein: Aye; Ms. Brown,Aye; Mr. Derksen,Nay; Mr. <br /> Williams,Nay; Mr. Hallan, Aye, Mr. Pederson,Nay; Mr. Adams,Aye. Motion Carried. <br /> Aye 4—Nay 3. <br /> Minutes 7 <br /> Pequot Lakes Planning Commission <br /> March 18, 2010 <br />