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When asked if the electronic sign would be for the gas price only, Mr. Holland stated <br /> there would be no scrolling. No specific sign design had been submitted. <br /> Oasis gas station has only one price sign. If this is approved it should be for one price <br /> posting. The two gas station pricing should be consistent. <br /> Mr. Holland stated he would like two fuel price signs, one for unleaded and one for <br /> diesel. He is not asking for additional square footage,just LED price signs. <br /> Public Comment: <br /> Chris Quisberg, SuperValu—Mr. Quisberg stated the attendant at their Holiday store in <br /> Crosslake was recently injured when the suction for changing the numbers came off. <br /> Also, gas sales at SuperValu have increased since the sign was added to the canopy. <br /> SuperValu would also like an LED sign replacing their sign on the canopy. <br /> Ms. Brown stated that the subject of LED lights was thoroughly discussed with the Dairy <br /> Queen application. If LED lights are allowed for gas stations, others will make requests <br /> for LED lights. This will open the door for LED and flashing lights eventually. <br /> Vice-Chair Adams pointed out the current sign at Super American is nonconforming; it is <br /> too large for our standards. Would the Planning Commission be willing to approve if the <br /> sign was brought into size and height conformance? We could allow 5 numbers on the <br /> sign for when gas goes over$10 per gallon. Only numbers, not letters. Coffee prices <br /> would not be allowed. <br /> LED lights come in different colors and lumens; some are brighter than others. <br /> When asked if the sign could be brought into conformance, Mr. Holland stated the store <br /> was built in 1995; their desire is to not change the pole and structure because of the cost. <br /> They just would like to take out the existing panels and put new ones in. <br /> Mr. Holland asked how much out of conformance the sign was. City records indicate the <br /> existing sign is approximately 18 feet tall with a sign area of approximately 80 square <br /> feet per side. Mr. Marohn explained the Sign Ordinance which would allow 10 feet in <br /> height and 64 square feet total, 32 square feet per side. <br /> Council Member Akerson suggested that with all of the sign questions, maybe the <br /> Planning Commission should take a look at the Sign Ordinance again. He stated he <br /> would like to fast tract Super America if possible so they can get their sign completed <br /> before summer. Vice-Chair Adams stated the Sign Ordinance can be put on the agenda <br /> next month. <br /> Mr. Snyder asked how soon the new sign could be in place. Council Member Akerson <br /> stated the Ordinance Amendment would need to be approved by the Council and the <br /> lawyer resulting in approximately 90 days. <br /> MINUTES 2 <br /> Pequot Lakes Planning Commission <br /> February 16, 2012 <br />