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POST ISSUANCE The issuance of these bonds will result in post-issuance compliance responsibilities. The <br />�•.- COMPLIANCE: responsibilities lie in two primary areas: i) compliance with federal arbitrage requirements <br />and ii) compliance with secondary disclosure requirements. <br />Federal arbitraae requirements include a wide range of implications that have been taken <br />into account as your issue has been structured. Post-issuance compliance responsibilities <br />for your tax-exempt issue include both rebate and yield restriction provisions of the IRS <br />Code. In very general terms the arbitrage requirements control the earnings on <br />unexpended bond proceeds, including investment earnings, moneys held for debt service <br />payments (which are considered to be proceeds under the IRS regulations), and/or <br />reseroes. An issue qualifies for a small issuer exception from rebate if it is sold by a <br />municipality with general taxing powers that issues $5 million or less of certain tax-exempt <br />obligations in a calendar year. The City expects to qualify as a small issuer for 2012. Yield <br />restriction provisions will still apply to the debt service fund and any proceeds that remain <br />unspent after three years and these funds should be monitored throughout the life of the <br />issue. <br />Secondarv disclosure requirements result from an SEC requirement that underwriters <br />provide ongoing disclosure information to investors. To meet this requirement, any <br />prospective underwriter will require the City to commit to providing the information needed <br />to comply under a continuing disclosure agreement. The City has less than $10 million of <br />outstanding obligations. Therefore, the SEC allows the City to choose "limited disclosure" <br />for this issue, which requires the City to enter into a Continuing Disclosure Certificate <br />pursuant to which they will covenant to provide certain financial information or operating <br />data that is customarily prepared and is publicly available and notices of certain material <br />� events to the limited extent required by SEC Rule 15C-12(d)(2). <br />Springsted can assist the City with their post-issuance compliance. Contracts to provide <br />these services will be provided to the City under separate cover. <br />SUPPLEMENTAL Supplementary information will be available to staff including detailed terms and conditions <br />INFORMATION AND of sale, comprehensive structuring schedules and information to assist in meeting post- <br />BOND RECORD: issuance compliance responsibilities. <br />Upon completion of the financing, a bond record will be provided that contains pertinent <br />documents and final debt service calculations for the transaction. <br />PURPOSE: Proceeds of the Bonds will be used to refund the January 1, 2013 through 2040 maturities <br />of the City's General Obligation Bonds, Series 2000A, dated October 18, 2000 and <br />currently outstanding in the principal amount of $1,325,604 (the "Series 2000A Bonds" or <br />"Prior Bonds"). The refunding transaction is being conducted as a current refunding, in <br />which the proceeds of the Bonds will be used within 90 days of bond settlement to redeem <br />the outstanding principal on the Prior Bonds. The refunding transaction is being <br />undertaken to achieve interest cost savings to the City. <br />The Series 2000A Bonds were originally issued to pay at maturity the City's outstanding <br />General Obligation Loan Anticipation Bonds of 1999, originally issued to defray the cost of <br />improvements to the City's sanitary sewer and water system. <br />AUTHORITY: Statutorv Authoritv: The Bonds are being issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 475 <br />and 444. <br />� <br />�:;= Springsted Page2 <br />