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Library Board <br />• The Library Board consists of seven members who are residents of <br />Crow Wing County or the City (with a majority of the members being <br />residents of the City). Terms are for three years. The Library Board <br />meets quarterly on the second Tuesday of March, June, September and <br />December at 4:30 p.m. at the Pequot Lakes Community Library. The <br />objective of the Library Board is to provide the community with an <br />outstanding library. <br />Park Commission <br />The Park Commission consists of seven members who are residents or <br />landowners of the City. Terms are for three years. The Park <br />Commission meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m. <br />at City Hall. The objective of the Park Commission is to ensure the <br />ongoing excellence of City parks. <br />Planning Commission <br />• The Planning Commission consists of five to seven members who are <br />residents or landowners of the City. Terms are for three years. The <br />Planning Commission meets on the fourth Monday of each month at <br />6:00 p.m. at City Hall. The objective of the Planning Commission is <br />to review and provide recommendations to the City Council on <br />preliminary and final plats. The Planning Commission also reviews <br />and acts on the following applications: metes and bounds property <br />divisions, conditional use permits, and variances. <br />Statement of Interest: Please state briefly why you are interested in serving on this <br />board/commission for whi�I h you are submitting this application. j <br />,�, ; a S 1 L s rat'P-U 0 u_ wL✓ -�� i? kf'-4- <br />Education/Professional Experience: Describe your educa ional and professional <br />experience or skills that qualify you to serve on this l gard)konigjislion. „ <br />Relevant Personal/Professional Experience: Please describe your professional, civic, or <br />community participation which may be relevaq in serving on this board 'col unission. <br />cv vie V, vts / <br />C <br />SAAdministration\City Clerk\Boards and Commissions\Application Process and Forms\Forms\Application Form for Boards and Commissions.doc <br />Page 2 <br />