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CONSENT TO RELEASE PRIVATE DATA <br />Below is an extract of the Minnesota Statutes that explains what data furnished by you is <br />considered public if you are an appointed to an advisory commission or are an elected or <br />appointed official. <br />13.601 ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICIALS. <br />Subdivision 3. Applicants for appointment. <br />(a) Data about applicants for appointment to a public body collected by a government <br />entity as a result of the applicant's application for appointment to the public body <br />are private data on individuals except that the following are public: <br />(1) name; <br />(2) city of residence, except when the appointment has a residency <br />requirement that requires the entire address to be public; <br />(3) education and training; <br />(4) employment history; <br />(5) volunteer work; <br />(6) awards and honors; <br />(7) prior government service; <br />(8) any data required to be provided or that is voluntarily provided in an <br />application for appointment to a multimember agency pursuant to section <br />15.0597; and <br />(9) veterans status <br />(b) Once an individual is appointed to a public body, the following additional items <br />of data are public: <br />(1) residential address; <br />(2) either a telephone number or electronic mail address where the appointee <br />can be reached, or both at the request of the appointee; <br />(3) first and last dates of service on the public body; <br />(4) the existence and status of any complaints or charges against an <br />appointee; and <br />(5) upon completion of an investigation of a complaint or charge against an <br />appointee, the final investigative report is public, unless access to the <br />data would jeopardize an active investigation. <br />(c) Notwithstanding paragraph (b), any electronic mail address or telephone number <br />provided by a public body for use by an appointee shall be public. An appointee <br />may use an electronic mail address or telephone number provided by the public <br />body as the designated electronic mail address or telephone number at which the <br />appointee can be reached. <br />SAAdministrationWity ClerklBoards and Commissions\Application Process and FormsTormslApplication Form for Boards and Commissions.doc <br />Page 4 <br />