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ORDINANCE NO. , SECOND SERIES <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 17 OF THE CITY CODE <br /> RELATING TO CONSERVATION SUBDIVISIONS <br /> CITY OF PEQUOT LAKES <br /> COUNTY OF CROW WING <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> The City Council of the City of Pequot Lakes does ordain as follows: <br /> Purpose and Intent: The purpose and intent of this ordinance amendment is to amend <br /> Chapter 17 of the Pequot Lakes City Code relating to Conservation Subdivisions within <br /> the City of Pequot Lakes. <br /> Amendment: Chapter 17, Article 3.2 shall be amended to add the following definitions: <br /> 1. Common Open Space. Undeveloped land within a conservation subdivision <br /> that has been designated, dedicated, reserved, or restricted in perpetuity from <br /> further development and is set aside for the use and enjoyment by the <br /> residents of the development. Common Open Space shall not be included as <br /> parts of individual residential lots. The Common Open Space shall be <br /> substantially free of structures, but may contain historic structures and <br /> archaeological sites including Native American mounds and/or such <br /> recreational facilities for residents as indicated on the approved development <br /> plan. <br /> 2. Conservation Easement. A Conservation Easement is a legally binding <br /> agreement that imposes any limitation or affirmative obligation on any <br /> holder's interest in real property. The easement is typically held by a party <br /> other than the property owner. The purpose of such an easement can include <br /> retaining or protecting natural, scenic, or open space values of real property, <br /> assuring the availability of real property for agricultural, forest, recreational, <br /> or open space use, protecting natural resources, maintaining or enhancing air <br /> or water quality, preserving a burial site, or preserving the historical, <br /> architectural, archaeological, or cultural aspects of real property. <br /> 3. Conservation Subdivision. A residential development that is characterized <br /> by compact lots and the retention of common open space, where the natural <br /> features of the land are maintained to the greatest extent possible. <br /> 4. Conventional Subdivision. A residential development that contains more <br /> than two lots not done by Conservation Design. <br /> 5. Development Envelope. Designated area in which grading, lawns, pavement, <br /> and buildings are planned to be located. <br /> 6. Drainageway._A watercourse, gully, dry stream, creek or ditch which <br /> concentrates and carries storm/rain water runoff from the land in a manner <br /> `.. which creates the potential for significant erosion, siltation, flooding or <br />