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OR <br />EDC Minutes <br />November 17, 2009 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />municipal consent but people feel like they need more communication regarding <br />the process. She also noted that Planning and Zoning does not have a great <br />reputation. She explained that although there is a Downtown Plan, most people <br />feel that the plan will never happen due to the cost. She stated that the Group <br />wants a plan that will work and more communication with the City. Kimberly also <br />stated that the people on City Council are not seen participating in local events. <br />Kimberly stated that the recent passing of the Resolution indicating no <br />development along the bypass is seen by a few people as the city is trying to take <br />steps to be proactive. <br />The EDC thanked Kimberly for her comments. <br />4. Hannah Prochniak — Marketing Proposal <br />Hannah was not present. <br />SWOT Analysis Discussion <br />Sheila Haverkamp talked about the SWOT (strengths weaknesses opportunities <br />and threats) that was recently done by John Rhodes. She questioned whether this <br />`. would be something that the EDC would like to do for Pequot Lakes? The EDC <br />discussed the idea and felt that it would be beneficial to the City. Sheila suggested <br />that the EDC could gather the information and then possibly have an outside <br />entity review and summarize the information. She indicated that this information <br />could be used as a tool to market the community. <br />Pat Smith suggested a facilitator to work with small groups so everyone is doing <br />this in the same manner. Mark Jurchen suggested doing a SWOT both the <br />community and businesses. Sheila indicated that she could pursue grants through <br />the Initiative Foundation. Justin Bolz - Andolshek stated he would be willing to <br />volunteer his time to assist. <br />The EDC discussed the process to proceed locally with a SWOT. Ed Larsen stated <br />that the first thing we should do is to decide what we are looking for (what do we <br />want to know and where do we get that information). <br />It was the consensus of the EDC to have a preliminary meeting with a couple of <br />EDC members, Sheila Haverkamp, and the Initiative Foundation before the next <br />EDC meeting to look at the process and cost. The committee would then present a <br />proposal at the next meeting. <br />The EDC discussed the purpose of a SWOT. The EDC stated that the purpose <br />would be to get a perspective from a wide variety of people as to what is needed <br />