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LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTRACT <br />AND JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT <br />RESOLUTION 09- <br />This contract made between the City of Pequot Lakes (hereinafter referred to as " Pequot Lakes ") and the <br />City of Jenkins (hereinafter referred to as "Jenkins "). <br />WHEREAS, Jenkins desires to obtain certain law enforcement services from Pequot Lakes; and <br />WHEREAS, Pequot Lakes agrees to furnish such law enforcement services on the terms and conditions <br />set forth herein; <br />NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: <br />EFFECTIVE DATE <br />This Contract is made this 6th day of October 2009, and is effective upon the dates hereinafter set forth. <br />PURPOSE <br />The purpose of this contract is to provide the basis for and outline the terms and conditions upon which <br />Pequot Lakes will provide police service for and within the boundaries of Jenkins. <br />Pequot Lakes hereby agrees to provide police service for Jenkins and Jenkins hereby engages Pequot <br />Lakes to provide such service in accordance with and subject to the terms of this contract. <br />LEGAL BASIS <br />This contract is made pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59. This contract is not made pursuant <br />to Minnesota Statutes Section 436.06 and should not be construed as creating a joint municipal police <br />�.. department. <br />ADMINISTRATION <br />The administration of police service within Jenkins under this contract shall be the sole responsibility of <br />the appropriate officials of Pequot Lakes. To facilitate this contract, however, and in order to provide for <br />an avenue of consultation and communication between Pequot Lakes and Jenkins, on matters relating to <br />police service, it is agreed that the Jenkins Board Chairman or his or her designee, shall confer with the <br />Pequot Lakes Mayor, or his or her designee, when requested by either party, on any matter relating to <br />police service being provided to Jenkins by Pequot Lakes. Pequot Lakes officials shall participate in such <br />discussions with the objective of providing for the satisfactory administration of this contract and for the <br />satisfactory performance of police service for Jenkins. <br />LEVEL OF SERVICE <br />During the time that this contract is in effect, Pequot Lakes will provide Jenkins with police service, <br />whenever an officer is officially on duty for the City of Pequot Lakes. <br />The work shifts shall be determined by officials of the Pequot Lakes Police Department. <br />When officers of the Pequot Lakes Police Department are not actively on duty, Jenkins agrees that it shall <br />be provided police protection by the Crow Wing County Sheriff's Department. <br />Officers of the Pequot Lakes Police Department may respond to calls in Jenkins and are available to <br />handle such calls, if such calls do not hinder or diminish police service to Pequot Lakes. <br />Except as otherwise specifically set forth, law enforcement service shall encompass only such duties and <br />functions of the type coming within the jurisdiction of Pequot Lakes pursuant to the laws of the State of <br />Minnesota. <br />