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City of <br />`. <br />Pequott <br />Lakes— <br />IS.-, <br />AGENDA ITEM #11.2. <br />REPORT TO <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />Date: September 1, 2009 <br />Subject: Date for Budget Public Hearing <br />Report: The State Legislature repealed the requirement for <br />cities to hold a separate "Truth in Taxation" public hearing. <br />However, the City is required to hold a public meeting at which the <br />budget and levy are discussed and the public is allowed to speak. <br />The final budget and levy can be adopted at this meeting after <br />public comment is received. This meeting may be part of a <br />regularly scheduled City Council meeting, and must be held <br />between November 25th and December 261H <br />I would propose that the Council take public comment on the final <br />budget and levy at the December 1 st Council meeting. The Council <br />can then adopt the final budget and levy, or if needed, call a special <br />Council meeting to adopt the final budget and levy. <br />Council Action Requested: Council motion to take public <br />comment on the proposed 2010 final budget and levy at the regular <br />December 1, 2009, City Council meeting at 6:30 p.m. <br />