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CITY OF PEQUOT LAKES <br />COUNTY OF CROW WING <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />RESOLUTION NO. 09 -26 <br />A RESOLUTION SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON A VACATION <br />COMMENCED BY A PETITION OF A MAJORITY OF ABUTTING <br />LANDOWNERS <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEQUOT LAKES, MINNESOTA DOES <br />HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: <br />WHEREAS, a petition signed by the majority of property owners abutting a portion of <br />First Street and Second Street in Pequot Lakes was received by the Clerk on the 31st day <br />of August, 2009; and, <br />WHEREAS, the petition requested that the City Council, pursuant to Minnesota Statute <br />412.851, vacate a portion of First Street and Second Street legally described as: <br />(Legal Description - See Attached) <br />WHEREAS, the City Clerk has reviewed and examined the signatures on said petition <br />and determined that such signatures constitute a majority of the landowners abutting upon <br />the portion of the streets to be vacated; and <br />WHEREAS, a copy of said petition is attached hereto. <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF PEQUOT LAKES, COUNTY OF CROW WING, MINNESOTA: <br />1. The Council will consider the vacation of such street and a public hearing <br />shall be held on such proposed vacation on the 6`h day of October, 2009, before <br />