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City of <br />Pequot <br />Lakes— <br />AGENDA ITEM #6.4. <br />REPORT TO <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />Date: September 1, 2009 <br />Subiect: Request by CLA Properties to vacate portions of <br />First Street and Second Street <br />Report: CLA Properties are proposing to vacate a portion <br />of First and Second Streets. The vacation of public streets <br />requires a public hearing. Prior to calling the public <br />hearing, a petition should be presented to the City <br />containing a majority of the property owners who abut the <br />street being vacated. <br />All property owners within the plat will be notified in <br />writing of the public hearing. A notice of this hearing will <br />also be published in the Echo. If the Council calls for the <br />public hearing, it will be scheduled for the October 6th <br />Council meeting. <br />At this point, the City has not been provided with a survey <br />or an exact legal description of the property to be vacated. <br />