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05.01A - Project Overview-Proposal for TIF
City Council (Permanent)
Agenda Packets (Permanent)
09-01-2009 Council Meeting
05.01A - Project Overview-Proposal for TIF
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6/18/2014 11:49:00 AM
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6/18/2014 11:47:12 AM
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o The redevelopment of this site in the City will continue to spur economic <br />development, stimulate market growth, and increase the tax base in Pequot <br />Lakes. <br />• Job Creation and Retention <br />o The grocery operation will provide job opportunities and has estimated 80 -100 <br />full and part -time jobs will be created due to this development. This will vary due <br />to seasonality. <br />Source and Use of Funds <br />Use of Funds <br />Property Acquisition $ 485,000 <br />Site Work 855,000 <br />New Construction 2,340,000 <br />Final FF &E 2,200,000 <br />Financing, Fees, & Cont. 642,091 <br />TOTAL $6,522,091 <br />Source of Funds <br />Owner Equity $1,122,091 <br />Owner Debt Financing $2,400,000* <br />SuperValu Operator $2,200,000 ** <br />TIF Note Value (7.5 %) $800.000 * ** <br />TOTAL $6,522,091 <br />* Oppidan will need to secure and provide evidence of debt financing. <br />* *Oppidan has several options available to raise equity and will be deciding shortly who the <br />limited partnership will include. <br />** *The developers are proposing tax increment financing on a pay -as- you -go basis in the <br />amount of $800,000 over 10 years at a 7.5% interest rate. The developer may explore the <br />option of selling the revenue note in order to provide upfront cash. Tax increment financing on a <br />pay -as- you -go basis is needed to make this project financially feasible. <br />* * ** This source and use of funds statement does not include inventory. <br />Terms and Conditions of Tax Increment Financing Request <br />The developers are requesting consideration of $800,000 in tax increment financing assistance <br />for 10 —15 years at a 7.5% interest rate. Based on projections prepared by the developer, <br />approximately $40,000 in tax increment will be available for the developers in 2011 and $80,000 <br />in tax increment annually thereafter, resulting in excess of $800,000 over 10 - 15 years at a <br />7.5% interest rate. Oppidan is also willing to enter into a minimum assessment agreement for <br />the development project. <br />If the city council chooses to proceed on a conceptual basis, it is recommended that the city's <br />financial and bond consultants conduct a confidential review of the company proformas to <br />determine the appropriate level of tax increment assistance and interest rate needed. <br />Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District <br />A redevelopment tax increment financing district is being proposed for this site. Two tests will <br />need to be met, including a coverage test and a determination that the buildings are structurally <br />substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance. These determinations <br />will need to be made prior to a public hearing being held. <br />
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