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AUTHORIZING LEGISLATION <br /> Minnesota Statute 116J.436 <br /> BACKGROUND/PURPOSE <br /> The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) has the authority to <br /> make grants to counties or cities to provide up to 50 percent of the capital costs of public infrastructure <br /> necessary for an eligible economic development project.The purpose of the grants is to keep or enhance <br /> jobs in the area, increase tax base,or to expand or create new economic development. <br /> ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS <br /> Eligible applicants are statutory or home rule cities or counties located outside the metropolitan area,as <br /> defined in section 473.121,subdivision 2. <br /> ELIGIBLE PROJECTS <br /> An eligible project is expected to result in or will attract substantial public and private capital investment <br /> and provide substantial economic benefit to the county or city in which the project would be located.The <br /> project is expected or will create or retain full-time jobs. An economic development project for which a <br /> county or city may be eligible to receive a grant includes: <br /> 1. Manufacturing , <br /> 2. Technology ' <br /> 3. Warehousing and distribution I <br /> 4. Research and development � <br /> 5. Agricultural processing, defined as transforming, packaging, sorting, or grading livestock or <br /> livestock products into goods that are used for intermediate or final consumption, including <br /> goods for nonfood use <br /> 6. Industrial park development that would be used by any other business listed as an eligible <br /> business even if no business has committed to locate in the industrial park at the time the grant <br /> application was made <br /> INELIGIBLE PROJECTS <br /> Ineligible projects include: <br /> 1. Retail <br /> 2. Office space development,except as incidental to an eligible purpose <br /> Projects cannot be relocating substantially the same operation from another location in the state, unless <br /> the DEED determines the project cannot be reasonably accommodated within the county or city in which <br /> the business is currently located,or the business would otherwise relocate to another state. <br /> PUBUC INFRASTRUCTURE <br /> Public infrastructure is defined as publicly owned physical infrastructure necessary to support economic <br /> development projects, including, but not limited to, sewers, water supply systems, utility extensions, <br /> streets, wastewater treatment systems, storm water management systems, and facilities for , <br /> pretreatment of wastewater to remove phosphorus. ' <br /> A limited amount of funding is also available for site preparation of property owned and to be used by <br /> private entities. ' <br /> MAXIMUM GRANT AMOUNT <br /> A county or city may receive no more than $2,000,000 in two years for one or more projects. <br /> APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS/TIMETABLE <br /> 2 <br />