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SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PEQUOT LAKES CITY COUNCIL <br /> TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2020 <br /> PEQUOT LAKES CITY HALL <br /> Members Present: Mayor Tayloe and Council Member Seils attended in person. Council <br /> Members Akerson, Pederson, and Swanson attended virtually via Zoom. <br /> Staff Present: Nancy Malecha, City Administrator and Angie Duus, City Clerk/Treasurer <br /> attending in person. Eric Klang, Police Chief(virtually via Zoom); Tim <br /> Houle, City Engineer(virtually via Zoom); and Jason Gorr, Public Works <br /> Director(virtually via Zoom); Sheri Fyle, Police Officer attending in person <br /> 1. Call Meetinq to Order <br /> Mayor Tayloe called the special meeting of the Pequot Lakes City Council to order at <br /> 6:00 p.m. <br /> 2. Consider Aaenda <br /> COUNCIL MEMBER SEILS MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. <br /> COUNCIL MEMBER AKERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. <br /> Mayor Tayloe opened the public hearing regarding the potentially dangerous dog <br /> situation. <br /> Chief Klang provided the introductory and background comments on the case. He <br /> explained to the Mayor and City Council that they are going to be tasked with making a <br /> determination on whether or not this dog is going to be considered a dangerous dog or a <br /> potentially dangerous dog. He stated initially the dog was claimed or deemed as a <br /> potentially dangerous dog but after looking at the case file and pictures, it does look like <br /> it meets a dangerous dog. He explained that since the fact that the child received <br /> substantial harm to his face and his fingers and that he will be marked for some time the <br /> dog meets a dangerous dog. <br /> Chief Klang stated that on March 8, 2020, the Pequot Lakes Police Department <br /> responded and subsequently issued a potentially dangerous dog notice to Craig Rose. <br /> Chief Klang stated that he is going to give you the facts and he has no determination <br /> whatsoever on what the decision will be. He stated he is just here to let you know what <br /> happened with the facts and that the City Council is going to be kind of a jury in this <br /> matter. He stated that they will make the determination after everything is presented and <br /> after hearing from both sides. He stated that the Council will hear from Heather <br /> Raduenz, the child's mother; Mr. Rose, the dog's owner; and Sheri Fyle, the officer who <br /> was on the scene. <br /> Chief Klang stated that on March 8, 2020 the Pequot Lakes Police Department <br /> responded to a call at 31092 Lakewood Ave in Pequot Lakes where a dog had bit a five <br /> year old child and the owner at that time was cited on that date for a potentially <br /> dangerous dog, which he was served and he had 14 days to contest it. He did file for the <br />