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EDC Minutes <br /> November 19, 2019 <br /> Page4of5 <br /> ----------------------------- <br /> Chair Lindholm had meeting with Tim Bray the Crow Wing County Highway <br /> Engineer about the Safe Routes to Schools Grant. He stated that the Grant will <br /> be submitted at the end of January and it will fund a study for next year. He <br /> stated that at the end of next school year it would result in a report with <br /> recommendations for improvements on how to get kids to school safely and how <br /> to increase the number of walkers. He explained that in the Grant application <br /> they will identify a team of people that will be part of the discussion which will <br /> include Ms. Malecha, Public Works, Police Department and others for the team. <br /> It would involve a community input process and also an audit where they would <br /> pretend they are a kid trying to walk to school. <br /> Chair Lindholm stated that for the Elementary School no one lives close enough <br /> to walk but there are many potential walkers for the Secondary School. Chair <br /> Lindholm discussed the lack of sidewalks in Pequot Lakes making it unsafe for <br /> kids to walk to school and the huge area that could be a potential walking zone. <br /> He also talked about Patriot Avenue being unsafe when it was a highway and <br /> now that it is not a highway they have an opportunity to create more walking <br /> areas. He stated that over 370 kids in the district are technically walkers and <br /> they bus them which is creating 5-6 extra buses running because of it. He stated <br /> that they are not collecting revenue to bus these kids and they only receive <br /> revenue on the kids that qualify to be bussed. <br /> Discussion ensued about the benefits to Safe Routes to School Grant. <br /> 9. Chamber Update <br /> No update was given. <br /> 10. BLAEDC Update <br /> Tyler Glynn stated that two weeks ago they approved two loans through their <br /> Unified Fund. They approved funding for EI Tequila who bought the old Olive <br /> Garden building and they will be moving December 1St. He stated that it should <br /> create about 7-9 new jobs. Mr. Glynn stated that their business plan included <br /> tra�c counts of Highways 210 and 371 and it helped make it easy decision for <br /> the BLAEDC Board to approve the loan. He also stated that BLAEDC received <br /> some great press out of it. <br /> Mr. Glynn said the second company to receive a loan was a new daycare facility <br /> in Downtown Brainerd. He said it is a much needed business and they will have <br /> the capacity to bring in 105 kids. He stated the name is Teeny Bubbles and they <br /> have a current location south of Takedown Gym. Mr. Glynn said to date the <br /> Unified Fund has lent out just under a million dollars and that they have a couple <br /> more loans currently in the works. <br /> Mr. Glynn stated that the search for a new Executive Director closes December <br /> 16th and they hope to have someone in place by the middle of January. He <br /> stated that he did apply for the position. Mr. Glynn also discussed the <br />