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Mr. Brown stated the entire road/driveway drains to the wetland area located west of <br /> the driveway and a depression area located along his south property line. <br /> Chair Hallan stated a portion of the driveway will need to be elevated in order to meet <br /> the fill requirements of the floodplain regulations. Stated the plans submitted do not <br /> contain elevation drawings for the dwelling. He would like to see how the properry will <br /> be graded and how it relates to the entrances to the dwelling. Chair Hallan also stated <br /> we need to know how stormater will be managed. <br /> General consensus the dwelling should be relocated to the northeast and updated plans <br /> should show fill location in accordance with floodplain regulations. <br /> Dave Morris (27733 Janco Ln) stated he owns the property located south of the subject <br /> property. He stated that all the stomwater from Janco Lane runs down to his property <br /> and subject property and has concerns with filling in the natural lowland areas. He <br /> stated the lake level and water table have risen considerably recently. Mr. Morris stated <br /> he does not have concerns with the size increase of the proposed dwelling. <br /> Chair Hallan stated the applicant should update the survey to include the nearest <br /> structures on adjacent properties and a plan for managing stormwater. <br /> MOTION BY PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER WILSON, SECONDED BY <br /> PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER NORTON, TO TABLE THE <br /> APPLICATION UNrIL THE OCTOBER PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING <br /> AND REQUIRE UPDATED PI.ANS, PER DISCUSSION. PASSED <br /> UNANIMOUSLY. <br /> APPLICANT: Dan and Lauri Helbling <br /> Applicants requests Final Plat of The Range <br /> Mr. Burslie explained the Staff Report. Applicant was present. <br /> Mr. Helbling stated Premier Homes did the bonding for the project and the bonding <br /> company wouldn't issue the bond to them because they were not the property owner. <br /> He stated he is in the process of obtaining a bond for the project. <br /> Mr. Burslie stated the application may move forward to council; however the final plat <br /> will not be signed until all items listed in the final plat approval (below) are completed <br /> and the development agreement is approved by the city attorney and council. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT OPENED: None. <br /> MINUTES 2 <br /> Pequot Lakes Planning Commission <br /> September i9, 2oi9 <br />