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CITY OF PEQUOT LAKES, MINNESOTA <br /> ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES & POLICY <br /> Adopted: February 7, 2006 <br /> Amended: November 5, 2019 <br /> This Assessment Policy is intended to serve as a guide for as consistent as possible <br /> assessment process. There may be exceptions to the process, unique circumstances, <br /> special situations, or interpretations on a project-by-project basis which may require <br /> special consideration and discretion by City Staff and the City Council. <br /> A City Assessment Committee consisting of at least one City Council Member, the City <br /> Administrator, the City Public Works Director, the City Engineer, and other necessary <br /> staff inembers as determined by the City Administrator shall review the Feasibility <br /> Report before it is presented to the City Council. <br /> PROPERTIES TO BE A55ESSED: <br /> These are generally the benefiting, abutting properties to the improvement,but will be <br /> determined by the City Council. <br /> DEFINITIONS: <br /> Front footage shall be considered the narrow part of the parcel without regard to the <br /> orientation of the house or ownership boundaries. <br /> Side lot footage shall be considered the longest part of the parcel without regard to the <br /> orientation of the house or ownership boundaries. <br /> A Parcel will generally be the lot or lots owned by one owner with one structure that <br /> requires one sanitary sewer service line and one water service line. Parcels with multiple <br /> structures requiring service and undeveloped land will be split into an appropriate number <br /> of parcels on a project-by-project basis. <br /> New Project shall be any improvement to an area where the proposed level of <br /> improvements did not exist prior to the proposed project. <br /> Reconstructed Project shall be any improvement that replaces or upgrades a similar type <br /> of improvement already in place prior to the existing proposed project. <br /> Residential property shall be single-family residential use only. <br /> Non-residential property shall be all uses other than single-family(i.e. commercial, multi- <br /> family, industrial). <br /> Service connection is generally one sanitary sewer service line (stub), or one water <br /> service line (stub), to each parcel /one structure. <br /> Page 2 of 7 <br />