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Nancy, <br /> Additional Staff Discussion: <br /> I'm putting on my director's hat to share my views on hiring additional staff. I have <br /> inade decisions like this numerous times in my work career as a department manager and <br /> as a director of multiple departments. <br /> First and foremost the question that needs answering is, "Can the business afford to pay <br /> for a new hire." The last thing we want to do is lay off an employee. That's why <br /> outsourcing and part time employees should always be part of the evaluation. <br /> Another important question, "Is the department/staff clearly and obviously overworked?" <br /> Rather than rely on opinions froin employees and managers, time sheets are used to <br /> accurately record what tasks are being worked on and for how long. <br /> Jason's report is lacking critical infonnation concerning a new hire. <br /> 1) I did not see a cost analysis. Annual total cost broken down to an hourly cost of actual <br /> work hours. (Usually 1600 to 1800 annual hours) <br /> 2) I also did not see a time analysis. I saw 50 hrs a week for inowing but inost if not all <br /> other tasks did not have hours included in the evaluation. The report did a good job <br /> showing duties and tasks describing the job description. <br /> 3) What effect will additional statt have on the budget and city projects and overall <br /> financial goals? A no increase in tax rate is our target for the 2020 budget as stated by <br /> the council. Is the expense for additional staff being absorbed by the public works dept? <br /> The June Council agenda item 9.3 is a Report to the City Council with the subject: <br /> Staffing Needs Discussion. This is a very confusing agenda item. Is it a report, or is it a <br /> discussion, or is it looking for a decision to hire? <br /> It appears to me the decision to hire has been made by Jason. It also appears proper <br /> analysis concerning time and costs have not been completed. I would be unable to <br /> qualify any decision either for or against a new hire until this analysis is completed. I <br /> would also ask for more detail on a few statements froin the report. <br /> This is a very important, long-tenn decision for the City. Since the Mayor and I <br /> (probably) will not be able to attend June's meeting and it will be Jerry's first meeting <br /> with the new council it is my opinion and hope this item gets withdrawn or tabled until <br /> the additional information is available for discussion. <br /> Thanks, <br /> Scott Pederson <br />