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Mr. Burslie stated that in Nisswa, Grand View Lodge has these types of developments <br /> but they are commercial PUD's and they limit the actual time the owner can stay there. <br /> It is the inverse of our ordinance. This is a residential PUD. <br /> Planning Commission Member Norton stated he prefers the residential PUD,but <br /> wonders if Grand View is aware of our ordinance and will come back wanting this <br /> changed. Mr. Helbling stated he is just applying to split the land,the planned unit <br /> development and the operation of the Conditional Use Permit. He won't be involved in <br /> the housing build-out or the sales of the properties at all. <br /> Vice-Chair Birch asked if the residential PUD is the correct one. Planning Commission <br /> Member Norton stated he feels Grand View will want to rent them out more often, but <br /> maybe that's irrelevant. Mr. Burslie asked Mr. Helbling if Grand View is aware this is a <br /> residential PUD. Mr. Helbling acknowledged that. Mr. Burslie stated that ultimately <br /> Mr. Helbling is the landowner; we are recommending approval of this based on Mr. <br /> Helbling being the owner and developer. If he wants to coordinate with someone for the <br /> building and management,that is up to him and not the City, but we want to be clear <br /> with him to be sure Grand View is aware that this is a rural residential property. Mr. <br /> Helbling stated these are not being sold to Grand View; they are being sold to individual <br /> people. <br /> Planning Commission Member Larson asked if these were timeshare properties. Mr. <br /> Helbling stated they were not timeshare properties; they would be full ownership as <br /> single family residences. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT OPENED: <br /> Grant Walker, 28642 County Road io� — His family has been at the location since i96�. <br /> When the golf course was built,they were not in favor of it. One of the Conditions of <br /> approval was one dwelling per 5 acre parcel with no rental. Bittner stated she had a <br /> copy of the original Conditions of approval for the golf course and it doesn't restrict any <br /> future housing. Mr. Walker asked if anyone can put houses on i.5 acre parcels. Bittner <br /> stated through a residential planned unit development that would be allowed. Mr. <br /> Walker asked if the road that was closed when the golf course was built to the State land <br /> would be reopened. Staff explained that is not part of this application. He also asked if a <br /> shooting ordinance would be put in limiting the hunting in the area. Mr. Burslie stated <br /> firearms cannot be discharged within 20o feet of a residence. Mr. Walker is looking at <br /> 2o acres on the east side of the golf course to purchase. He asked if he would be allowed <br /> to do a housing development like Mr. Helbling is proposing. Mr. Burslie asked if that <br /> property is adjacent to the golf course. Mr. Walker stated it was. Mr. Burslie stated Mr. <br /> Walker would have the same opportunity to rezone the property and to put it into the <br /> Residential-Golf Course Community Overlay District. Mr. Walker would like it stated <br /> that these are single family, non-rental units; they need to live there. Mr. Burslie <br /> agreed. There will be no timeshare and whoever purchases the home will need to live <br /> MINUTES i2 <br /> Pequot Lakes Planning Commission <br /> April i8, 2oi9 <br />