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A Preliminary Plat,Preliminary Common Interest Community Plat, Preliminary <br /> Condominium Plat, or Metes and Bounds Subdivision resulting in at least one pazcel less <br /> than 10 acres shall contain the following data: (except as waived in advance by the <br /> Planning Commission); along with other reasonable information required by the <br /> Commission needed to make a proper evaluation of the proposal: <br /> 1. Existing Conditions. <br /> A. Boundary lines with lengths and bearings drawn to exact scale of <br /> no less than 1"= 100' taken from a boundary survey by a Licensed <br /> Land Surveyor with the legal description of the property, total <br /> acreage, name of the fee owner, developer and surveyor. North <br /> arrow and scale. <br /> B. Topography consisting of 2-foot contour intervals, or, at the <br /> discretion of the Planning Commission during the sketch plan <br /> review, 10-foot contour intervals taken from USGS mapping with <br /> additional field detennined spot elevations added to define <br /> drainageways, 100 year floodplains, wetlands, slopes and the <br /> Ordinary High Water Mark. Near shore aquatic conditions, <br /> including depths, types of bottom, sediments and aquatic <br /> vegetation. <br /> C. Tree cover limits, specimen tree locations. <br /> D. Soils as determined by hand borings on a random basis, to <br /> determine depth to ground water at lower elevations and suitability <br /> for sewage trea.tment systems. At least one boring for each unit <br /> unless waived by the Planning Commission. <br /> E. Location of adjoining streets, wetlands, shuctures and property <br /> lines within 200-feet of subject parcel, including acreage of any <br /> property owned by the developer not included in the preliminary <br /> plat. <br /> F. Significant historical sites. <br /> G. Significant wildlife habitat areas. <br /> H. Endangered, threatened, raze or critical species, both flora and <br /> fauna. <br /> I. Date of boundary survey,topography and proposed plat. <br /> J. Layout of existing streets, walkways, driveways, blocks, lots, and <br /> Pequot Lakes Staff Report 3(c)-i4 <br /> April i8,2oi9 <br />