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PEQUOT LAKES COMMUNITY LIBRARY <br />L-' SPECIAL BOARD MEETING <br />November 172010 <br />The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President John Longnecker. <br />Present: John Longnecker, David Anderson, Lydia Loven, Claire Nagel, <br />Sam Hennies, Nancy Adams <br />Absent: Tina Hanneken <br />The meeting was held to select and recommend a bid for cabinets and <br />storage for the Children's Room. Bids were received from Ronald E. <br />Nelson Services and Wildwoods Furnishings (Steve DeLong, Proprietor). <br />Lydia Loven moved, Sam Hennies seconded, that the Library Board <br />recommend the selection of Ronald E. Nelson Services for $6,160.00 to <br />build: 8 double -wide 3' shelving units, 3 single -wide 3' units, and 4 bins <br />3006x27 ". The vote was unanimous. <br />Sam Hennies moved, Claire Nagel seconded, that we use the approximate <br />$103,000 CD marked "Rainy Day Fund" to purchase these materials. The <br />vote was unanimous. <br />Meeting was adjourned at 7 p.m. <br />